Chapter XXX- My Sacrifice

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(Lisanna's POV)

I said yes to be a help, Natsu went out of the room while Gajeel and I prepare the set up. I’m sure he’s saying his words of gratitude to Levy right now. Loke arrived with another extra bed for me and placed it beside Natsu’s bed which was right next to Lucy’s. This is kind of funny, a love triangle. Stop it Lisanna, it’s over. Gajeel and I finished the set up so he called Natsu to come over, as I take a peek at the door, I saw Levy hugging Natsu, the two were emotional, and they must’ve been really close. I’m sure Levy didn’t want Natsu to do this, same with me. Natsu hugged me and whispered thank you, what can I say? “You’re welcome”.

Natsu went to his bed which was right next to Lucy, and I went to my bed which was right next to his, he was in the middle. Lucy and I looked like fighting over him, it really funny but painful.

Why did I even say yes to their offer when I know this thing would just hurt me? Gajeel once more showed me Lucy’s avatar again, reminding me of how her character looks like in the game, then he kissed me on the forehead, “I trust in you” he whispered.

Of course, what would he think? That I won’t do the plan? So what’s the plan again? Oh yeah! Find Lucy and Natsu and introduce them to each other.

And start again? Cause eventually just because I introduced them to each other doesn’t mean their feelings will be back too; somehow they have to start where they didn’t know each other just like strangers, then friends and then lovers. That if, they like each other in virtual world. Oh! This is really hard and confusing. Wish us luck!

The shiny thing and black opening started, then in any minute we arrived. I missed Sword FairyTail Online; I tapped on my menu and looked for the two, but looks like they are not detected in my map yet since they still aren’t my friends. Looks like I have to go to the first stage since the two just started the game; I tapped on my teleport crystal and teleported to stage one.

Looking from left to right, I didn’t see Kirito, even Asuna.

I wonder where they are roaming right now.

I went to stage two, but yet no traces of them, isn’t it possible that your avatar changes? This is really confusing and worrisome. Where is she? Where are they? If only Natsu didn’t delete his account, why did he even delete it? We played this game since we’re five; he’s one of the solo players who got the highest scores worldwide. How can he give up such account he worked for almost 10 years?

I spent like already 5 hours looking for them, this is bad already. Maybe Natsu logged out already; we can’t stay with a nerve gear on more than two hours; guess I have to log out already. I tapped on my log out button.

I opened my eyes and there a blurry face of Loke came out, “Lisanna! Lisanna? You alright?” he asked.

I closed my eyes longer for a better vision, I stood up and looked to my left, Natsu’s not waking up yet.

“We’ve been waking you up, you spent more than 2 hours with it, and we were scared you wouldn’t wake up anymore. Good thing you woke up because Natsu didn’t yet?” Gray moaned.

That’s never a good thing, what’s the point of me waking up if Natsu hasn’t. Without saying a word, I directly reached for my nerve gear and tried to put it back on. I’m going to look for him; I don’t care what happens to Lucy, Levy is right she should’ve died already. She brings pain and trouble to everyone, especially to Natsu.

The boys stopped me from putting my nerve gear back on, “stop it” I screamed. I have to find him there and tell him to log out. This is insane.

Gajeel was too strong to pull the nerve gear away from my hand, my eyes were teary. Why aren’t you letting me go back to him?

“Stop it! This whole idea is wrong, Lucy is gone. We have to give up” Gray exclaimed.

All of us became silent, couldn’t believe he just said that, I mean Gray was the one who never mentioned about giving Lucy up, but then he suddenly tells us to give her up.

Aunt Layla, Levy, me and now Gray decided to give up already; we just have to wait for Natsu to decide. And Oh I forgot about Sasuke, I’m sure he’ll side with Natsu.

I cried with my knees on the bed, I’m okay if Lucy dies, but Natsu I’d rather die too.

What should I do? I begged on Gajeel to play the game and find Natsu, at first he refused to but in the end he said yes.

Setting up the game, Gajeel gets on the nerve gear. Waiting for 2 hours was useless; he woke up and didn’t find any track of Natsu or Lucy.

Where could they be?

“The doctor said only 30% of Lucy’s brain is working, can that activeness provide the need to make the nerve gear work?” Jellal asked.

30%? Of course not. She’s good as dead already, why did Natsu say that her brain is still working? When actually 70% of them are dead, she’s not going to make it.

I wonder what this Lucy has that Natsu is so inlove with her; does she have some kind of love potion? She’s not that beautiful, but she’s rich. But I don’t think Natsu cares about money, maybe she’s intelligent?

“What do we say to Natsu’s parents? To Aunt Layla?” Zeref asked.

I shook my head, I’m not thinking about that because Natsu will wake up any time soon.

I asked Gajeel if it’s okay if I play again, but he stopped me from doing it.

They were thinking about what to do, I stood up and went outside the room; I just can’t stop crying, and why is this happening? First Lucy and now Natsu? I don’t know what to do? Wait, Lisanna? What are you thinking? Are you going to risk your life to save Natsu who doesn’t even care about you? Why am I still hoping that Natsu will still keep his promise of marrying me?

Sitting on the bench near Lucy’s room crying and thinking, Levy arrived. She placed her hand above mine, comforting me. I looked at her and noticed her eyes were swollen, nose a little bit red. Is she sick? Was she staying late these days? Or did she cry?

How can she comfort other people when she needs comfort too?

“I got a call from Gajeel, how’s Natsu?” she asked.

I smiled and told her that he’s still not waking up; in my surprise Levy didn’t cry nor showed any emotion. She must’ve cried already, or maybe she really doesn’t care anymore.

She stood up giving me a tap on my back then she continued walking to Lucy’s room.

Wish I could be as strong as Levy, wish I could cry everything out so that whenever I remember the pain, I won’t have tears to drop anymore.

If I didn’t come all of these things wouldn’t be happening, this is my entire fault. I’m sorry Natsu, I’m sorry.  No, this is not my fault; this is all Lucy’s fault. She is the reason why everyone is hurting. She’s the reason why Natsu became like this.

Watching my hand with the ring on my finger that Natsu gave, I could still remember I was like about 3 that time and Natsu was 5. I always loved him, perfect ideal guy, so good at everything especially in playing Sword FairyTail Online, admired him all my life and even promised to marry each other when we grow up. When I reached 13 and he was 15, he asked me to be his girlfriend, it was really confusing that I rejected him. After the rejection, we didn’t talk and never communicated anymore.

Then next two years, when he left and came here I realized that I love him, I realize that I think I’m ready to be with him and be his girlfriend so I searched for him, went to their house and knew he’s here, then the following day, Gajeel called me asking for help, first I said No but when I knew it was for Natsu, I came rushing. I rejected him before so I could prepare to be a perfect girlfriend; now that I’m prepared he’s not here anymore. Will I forever keep on remembering these sweet painful past? They said true love can wait, was ours true? I headed back to Lucy’s room still finding Natsu asleep, is he waking up? Is he still waking up?

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