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I sat in my usual spot, the left side of the love seat right in front of the TV. I waited for Harry to return from the kitchen as I scrolled through the list of movies. "What do you want to watch?" I called out, but he remained silent. After a few moments he strolled slowly into the living room and handed me a coke. 

"It doesn't matter." He stared down at his phone and sat in one of the chairs across the room. I found it odd he didn't sit next to me. We always sit next to each other when we watch movies, well, we always sit next to each other. I brush it off and keep scrolling though his list. 

After realizing he was completely uninterested, I gave up and just put on a football game that had played earlier.  Throwing the remote to the side, I pulled out my phone with a small sigh. He gave me no acknowledgment. 

I look over to him and watch as he just stares at his phone with a small frown. "Are you ok?" I ask sitting up.

He nods vigorously before speaking. "Yeah, no no, I'm good. Just a bit.. tired, is all."

I knew something wasn't right though, so I got up and sat I front of him on the coffee table, keeping the quilt wrapped around me. "Are you sure? Because you can tell me."

"I know, it's all good." He gave a small smile in an effort to get me to leave him alone.

"Then why are you not looking at me?" I say getting annoyed.

"Like I said, I'm tired." He shrugged and gave me a look telling me to leave him alone.

I let out a huff and stare at him. "Fine," I say and get up throwing the quilt on the sofa. "I'll go." I say with the most fake smile I could do.

He groans and gets up. "Al, wait," he begins and follows me as I make my way to the door. "Alex."

"What?" I turn abruptly and he stops, taken aback by fast actions.

"I- uh, I just,"

"I- what, Harry? Just let me go so you can get some sleep." I say looking up at him.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He finally says after a brief moment of silence.

I really wasn't expecting him to let me go. My heart dropped a little and I was now the one at loss of words. I just nod slightly and begging to walk to the door that he held open for me to leave.

"Oh, hold on." I says remember my clothes in the back drying.

"What?" He asks closing the door a little watching me as I turn and walk to the back door.

"I need to get my clothes."

"Just get them tomorrow," he shrugs, "they're still wet."

"Yeah, ok." I say and walk back to him. "Night, Harry." I put on some old sandals I left there a long time ago and walked outside.

"Goodnight." He says and closes the door.

Still in mostly his clothes I fiddled with the him of his shirt trying to figure out what happened back there. I frowned in thought as I absentmindedly walked the streets with my phone in my hand as a car pulled up beside me and stopped at the stop sign. It stayed for a few seconds before it slowly took off to the left.

I know it's just a car but I just felt out of place. Especially being out here alone and only in his t shirt, granted its long enough to be a dress on me. I began to pick up speed just wanting to get home, my sandals falling off a little as I sped up. I got past the stop sign and walked straight for the next one where I could turn into my street. That's when the headlights shined behind me and I turned to look. A car came driving up behind me before slowing down as it got closer to me. I still had about a whole football field distance left to go before I got to my street.

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