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I sat on my sofa upside down with my legs hanging over the top of it staring at the ceiling. I texted Clary back every now and then telling her about what happened last night. Clary's my really good friend and I tell her almost everything. We met about 3 years ago, freshman year, and when Harry showed up junior year she had the hots for him. I actually don't know how she feels about him now but they've never actually hung out together alone. I've either been there or we were at a party and they said hi but other than that, they've had zero encounters.

She felt really bad for me about what happened last night and asked if I need company but talking about it made me feel better so I told her I was ok. I wasn't as upset as I was last night when I thought about it but I still never want it to happen again. I didn't tell her about what almost went down with Harry and I though, she doesn't know I've always had a thing for him. Not just a physical thing for him though, an emotional thing as well. She just knows we're good friends.

I laid there for about 3 hours just playing on phone, going through Twitter and Instagram and talking to people. I looked at the clock and tried to determine the time Harry would return. I decided to text him because if he was going to take a while to get here I'll eat because I'm starving. The only thing I've eaten all day was small bowl of cereal.

Me: Hey, when are you getting here with my pizza?

I lock my phone and place it on my stomach waiting for a reply. Nothing.

Me: I'm starving dude.

30 minutes pass and I don't even realize it but my growling stomach is too loud not to acknowledge so I hop up and head to the fridge. While trying to make a decision on what snack to eat I hear my front door open.

"Finally! I was just about to start eating, I'm starved." I say thinking its Harry but I'm not disappointed when it's not.

"And I'm sleep deprived." My dad says closing the door and placing his keys on the small table beside the door.

"Dad?" I say walking over to the door frame to see. When I see it is him I instantly hug him. "You've been gone forever." I say excitedly and relieved.

"I know, honey. There was a lot to do at the hospital. How are you?"

I contemplate telling him about the car or not but I decided not to mention it. It'll only add more to his already full plate. "I'm good," I say nodding and walking back to the kitchen. "Harry's supposed to drop by with a pizza," my voice trails off as I look at the clock in the kitchen. "Anytime now. He's been gone for about 4 hours."

"Have you eaten breakfast yet?" My dad asks placing his belonging on the kitchen table.

"Just a small bowl of cereal." He nods and I can see how tired he is. "It's okay dad. You can go to sleep."

"Oh, no. I'm fine honey." He says trying to reassure me but I know he's exhausted.

"Dad, go. You need to sleep." I say motioning to his bedroom upstairs. He sighs and says ok before giving me a kiss on my head and heading up.

I proceed to try and find something to eat when my phone vibrated.

Harry: Hey, sorry, I got caught up. Can I take a rain check?

I stared at the phone feeling confused and upset. I got a little pain in my chest but brushed it off quickly. He's not mine. I remind myself.

Me: everything ok?

Harry: yeah, something with the guys, just don't think I'll make it with the pizza

Me: so come without it lol

No response.

"Wow." I mutter to myself. What is he doing? And why won't he tell me? We tell each other practically everything. Granted he doesn't know I'm falling quite hard for him but still. And flaking out on someone is some shit I hate and he fucking knows that.

I waited a while more but when he didn't respond I gave up. I put on my jeans and a black t-shirt with converse before grabbing my keys, wallet, and phone and heading to Jo's Pizza to get me what I've been wanting all day.

I pull into the drive way and notice a familiar white car. Almost the exact one Clary drives. I park the car and get out, heading to the front door when I notice Harry's car as well.

I shake my head telling my self I'm stupid, he wouldn't just blow me off unless there was a good reason.

I walk in and I place my order taking a seat on the seats in the front to wait. The dude said it'd be about a 10-15 minute wait so I decided to just stay and play a game on my phone. That game soon gets brining and I lock my phone placing it in my lap and looking around. The place is pretty big but I easily spot Clary's perfectly curled orange hair and Harry's long swept back brown curls.

My mouth falls open and I'm at lose for words. Yeah, he sure looks like he's caught up with the guys. They looked like they were having fun. Clary was laughing taking a drink of her drink and Harry was smiling while wiping his mouth with a napkin.

I scoffed, letting out a laugh and shaking my head. "Fucking dick." I mutter to myself and the guy besides me turns and looks at me. I give him a weak smile and when he looks away I roll my eyes.

"Alex Jones." They say over the intercom for me to get my pizza. I fly up and hurry to grab it unfortunately making eye contact with a wide eyed Harry but I pretend I didn't. I turn and walk out heading to my car.

"Alex!" I hear him call from behind me but I keep walking. I try to unlock the car before he gets to me but I fail. He appears right beside me. "Let me explain." I ignore him and finally get the right key but he places his hand on mine making me freeze. "Alex, please."

"Oh my gosh, Harry? What are you doing here?" I say surprised and smiling.

He sighs and shakes his head. "Look, me and Clary-"

"Oh that was Clary?" I ask as if he just made everything clear. "I could've sworn it was one of the guys." My tone turns angry.

"Can you stop being passive aggressive for once and just let me speak." He asks annoyed.

"Let me think, no."

"You didn't even think." He states flatly.

I scoff and unlock my car putting my pizza on the passenger seat. Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me around. "Lex, Clary and I were just eating."

"While I was starving." I say turning to him. I couldn't even think straight. I wanted to punch him. "And since when are you two friends?" I ask annoyed.

"Recently. We were hanging out after school one day and hit it off. She wanted to have some lunch so-"

"So you ditched me." I cut him off but I say this mostly to myself as if realizing just how not important I am to him.

"No! No, Alex, I just-" He says as if it's hurting him.

"Harry," I say quietly, stopping him by putting a hand up. "It's whatever."

He opens his mouth to talk but closes it and I give him a weak smile, sighing. I know he can see how hurt I am because he frowns like he just found out his dog died. I just nod my head let out a sharp sigh before turning and getting in my car.

Before I close my door he stars talking, making me stop my actions. "Maybe I can come over later and we-"

"Don't bother." I interrupt and slam my car door shut. I start the car and drive off and as I stop at the end of the parking lot I look back and see him kick a rock, pulling at his hair before taking a seat on the curb and sitting with his head in his hands.

My chest aches and I take off, not wanting to see him anymore. Who the hell does he think he is? I'm not saying he can't hang with other people but we had plans and he ditched me for my best fucking friend. And she didn't tell me either, little miss "want me to come over", fuck her. The amount of anger filling my body is unsafe. I decide to pull over to a small parking lot by a river. I grab my pizza and sit under a tree that looks out over this beautiful river. People are swimming and laughing but they're far away. All I wanted to do was just sit. I didn't want to talk or think. I just wanted to sit and eat my pizza.

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