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After my pizza I went home and just moped around, watching tv, taking small naps. I know that I shouldn't care all too much about what he did. We're not together, he's allowed to hang out with other people. But he lied about it.

I've always had trouble with trusting people. I've always second guessed people and whether they really enjoyed hanging out with me and when people show one ounce of disinterest I take the hint, even if it's not there, and back away. It's just not in me to try for something when I'm not wanted. But with Harry, I know sometimes I'm a bit much and sometimes I feel like he wants to pull away and it hurts but the second he shows any interest I'm there. I'm always there for him, to boost his ego, to make him feel needed. And it kills me but I need him. Without him I feel like nothing. Everyone catches my eye but no one has my heart like him. And yet he holds it like its a rock that won't break if it falls.

Harry's POV:

The look she gave me before she closed the car door absolutely killed me. I'd never seen her so hurt. And what was worse was that she tried so hard to hide it. She tried to smile but the pain was showing through her eyes.

I didn't mean to hurt her, I thought she wouldn't show up at the pizza place. She said she didn't feel like leaving her house. I thought it wouldn't have mattered and I could go over after and she'd never know.

I walked back into the building and sat down with Clary. "Is she ok?" She asked taking a sip of her drink.

"I don't know, I don't think so." I said quietly, staring at my plate.

"She'll get over it." She said brushing it off like it was nothing.

"You're supposed to be her best friend, you could care a little more." I say getting annoyed.

"I do!" She said defensively but I could tell she wasn't hurt by my accusation. "I asked her if she wanted me to go over and she said no. So now I'm here with you, there's nothing wrong with what we're doing."

"I lied to her." I say pointing to myself and leaning over the table a little.

"Well, that's on you, sweetie." We were both silent after. I knew I was wrong, I knew I fucked up but Clary pointing it out just pissed me off more. "Whatever, when you sort this out with her call me. I had fun." She said and I nodded.

I really did enjoy her company. I would honestly take her out on a real date if I knew Alex was okay with it. I think she would be though. We're not together, and we're allowed to date other people. It's just that she's her best friend, I'll have to ask her what she thinks.

"And Harry," Clary came up behind me and whispered in my ear making me tense but I relaxed when I realized it was her. "Last night was fun, fix it with her and maybe we'll do it again." She turns and walks away. I can't help but smile at how confident she was but as I remember how I made Alex leave for her I begin to feel nauseous.

I slowly got up and headed to my car. I sat in the parking lot for a few minutes contemplating how I'm going to get Alex to forgive me. Hopefully it'll be easy, I can't stand when she's hurt, especially if it's because me.

Alex's POV

"Alex, we were just having lunch, chill." Clary said to me through the phone.

"What- Clary, he ditched me. And why didn't you tell me you two were having lunch?" I ask her frowning, even though I know she can't see me.

"I don't have to tell you everything! What about you, huh? You don't tell me shit anymore." She argues, raising her voice and I roll my eyes.

"Oh like what?" I ask putting all my weight on my right leg, placing my hand on my waist.

"Like everything! Do you like him? Is that why you're so angry?" I feel my blood rush out of me but choose to ignore it.

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