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My crying fit finished but Harry remained sitting and holding me while I sat curled up in his lap. "Hey Harry?" I asked after a long silence with him rubbing my back.

"Hmm?" He hummed, not moving.

"Will you sing for me?" I ask quietly.

His chest vibrated as he let out a light laugh and shook his head. "No."

"Why not? I've heard you sing before." I say while I poke and pull at the fabric of his shirt around his chest.

"That was different. I didn't know you were there."

"But you're so good.. Your voice, it's just, it's perfect." I say slouching more into him.

"I'm not singing for you. Ever." He says shifting and pulling me closer.

"Never ever?" I ask pulling away.

"Never ever." He says with a small smile, looking me right in the eyes.

I force myself to look away from his gorgeous emerald green eyes. Man, I've never realized how green they were.

I place my head back down on his chest and smile. "I'll get you to sing for me one day."

"Will you? How?" He asks softly, placing his head on top of mine.

"Not sure, but you will."

He laughs again but doesn't say anything. Instead he grabs the controller and turns on the tv, putting on Shrek.

"Seriously?" I ask laughing, pulling away to look at him.

He shrugs and smiles before patting his lap. I grab a pillow and place it down before putting my head in his lap. The beginning of Shrek plays and Harry starts to play with my hair instantly making my body relax. After about 5 minutes he stops and I grab his hand groaning. "Don't stop." I whine and place it back on my head making him laugh again.

"Watch the movie." He says but continues playing with it.

Next thing I know I'm waking up to the part of the movie where Fiona kisses Shrek for the first time.

I sit up and rub my probably puffy eyes before stretching with a loud groan.

"Feel better?" Harry asks, paying no attention to the movie. I nod and smile happily, feeling a thousand times better than earlier.

"I'm hungry." I say mostly to myself but Harry instantly gets up and says he'll get me some food. He walks back into the living room moments later with a bag of tortilla chips- my favorite- and some water. "Thank you." I say smiling.

After I take a bite I look up and to see he's staring at me. "What?" I ask and he shakes his head smiling.

"Nothing. But, I wanted ask you about earlier."

I look up and I worry flows through my body but I push it aside and shake my head. "It was nothing, really."

"Why were you crying?" He persists.

I sigh and contemplate telling him I was crying because he's going to make out with my best friend and not me but decided against it. "I just, I miss you, ya know?" And it wasn't lie, I miss him. I miss him so much it hurts. This thing with him blowing me off has been going on for a while now but it's gotten worse lately. Example, him lying to me.

"We hang out still but we don't talk the same, sometimes we barely talk when we're together. Like, how long have you been hanging out with Clary?"

He furrows his brows as if to think about my question before looking back to me. "About three-ish weeks."

I feel my heart sink and decided I want some answers. "And you like her?" He hesitated before he nods his head slowly. "But the other night, in the pool.. we almost.." I say waiting for him to catch on and when he does he raises his eye brows a little and his mouth parts open like he was surprised I'd actually bring it up. "And earlier," I add cautiously, desperately trying not to show any sign of caring.

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