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Harry slowly pulled into my driveway and shut the ignition off. We talked a few times on the way home, mostly when we stopped for gas and got some food but we decided to go through the drive through instead of staying to eat. We kept the music playing continuously all the way making it easy to not speak.

"I'll call you later, yeah?" When he speaks his accent comes out thicker than usual and he keeps his eyes on the radio.

"Sure." I smile and shut the door before grabbing my bag and throwing it over my shoulder. "Thank you," I pause and he looks up at me. "For buying the tickets. That was probably one of the coolest things I'll ever do."

He smiles back and let's out a relieved breath. "I'm happy."

I nod with another sincere smile and head inside where I'm warmly welcomed by my father.

"And where have you been!" My father says loudly, scaring me greatly.

"I stayed the night with Alice." I mentally scold myself for choosing the one name that has no correlation with anyone I've ever met before.


"Yes, Alice. She's in my science class, we're partners and she invited me over last night. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just didn't want to bother you." I give my best puppy dog eyes, hoping they still work as good as they used to.

He sighs and continues with getting water for the coffee pot. "Okay, it's fine. Just don't, do it again." He says sternly and I nod before hugging him. "But why didn't you answer you're phone?"

"It died. I left my charger here." I honestly completely forgot I even had my phone. It's been on silent the whole time and I never saw a reason to check it. "I'm gonna go shower."

"I'm meeting up with an old friend today, I'll probably be gone by the time you get out and I won't be back till dinner." He keeps his eyes off me and continues to fiddle with the coffee maker.

"What type of friend?" I wiggle my eyebrows and he his cheeks redden.

For his age he looks a lot older, probably due to the fact that mom being sick was so difficult and the stage she was in required so much, from him and the doctors. Her sickness not only took her away but aged him decades. It makes me sick to even think of it.

"Just a friend." He smiles.

I decided not to push him and head upstairs for my shower. "Have fun!" I yell from the top before throwing my things on the chair in my room. When I walk into the bathroom something about taking a shower makes me groan, I decide to take a bubble bath instead. A nice, hot, bubble bath.

It's like now that I'm alone I feel free to think about what ever I want. On the ride here I kept watching all the trees and cars and buildings as we passed by and that kept my mind thinking about how those people lived their lives or if that place had good food. I didn't once let myself start thinking about what happened in that motel room.

But now, in the hot water covered in bubbles, it's like that's the only thing my mind can think of. The way his lips formed to my mouth and how his hands roamed my body. I mere memory him pressing himself against me set me off and I had to stop myself. This is crazy. I hated stopping him too but I had to. If I didn't there was no telling what would've happened.

The thought of having done to Clary what she did to me made me sick. I never wanted to be like her yet here I am, burdened by the thought of his lips to mine. My mind keeps thinking of ways our next conversation could go. Is he going to break up with Clary? Or will he try to pretend nothing ever happened so he doesn't have to give her up?

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