28 pt. 1

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I sat there reading a magazine from new batch we got in this morning.


"Harry's Styles was caught in a dusty book store having an intensely intimate conversation with a mystery brunette,"

There was my face, on the front cover of this stupid magazine.

"Insiders say it's Harry's new lover. Read more on page 22,"

I threw the magazine down and put my head in my hands. My phone began to ring with Harry's name and I groaned. "You gonna have to answer at some point." I looked up at Lindsey who was hiding the magazine behind the others.

"Some point is not right now.." I sighed and my phone began to ring again.

"If you're not going to answer it then turn it off. That boy has been calling nonstop. I'm surprised he hasn't shown up here yet."

"I doubt he would," I looked out the window to see reporters and bystanders looking into the bookstore. "It'd be a death march."

Lindsey noticed the people outside too. "Why don't you work in the back today. I'll handle the counter." I smiled best I could and went into the office. As I sat sorting papers and bills, the thought of Evan seeing the news crossed my mind. Maybe he's too busy with work to even notice... hopefully.

A few hours passed and it was almost time for me to leave. "The reporters are still parked outside, hun." Lindsey stepped into the office. I groaned and placed my head on the desk. Just then the door opened to the bookstore.

"Where is she?!" A loud voiced called. "Alex!" Lindsey's eyes grew wide, both of us turning to see what was happening. Lindsey moved out of the way as Harry opened the door abruptly. I shot up to my feet. "Why haven't you been answering me?" His nostrils were flared and he was out of breath.

"Harry I-"

"No, were going. Now." He took a step forward but Lindsey jumped in front of him.

"Now you listen here young man." Harry tried to push past but Lindsey stood her ground. "I said listen!" She yelled. Harry flinched at her words and fell back. "I may be old, but you still gotta listen. Alex has been pretty well off for a while now. Since I met her she was happy, and content, and spoke of how much she loved Evan and life. And then YOU come here and next thing I know her relationship is over, she hasn't been smiling, and there are strangers out there trying to get her to talk. I do not give a rats ass how you feel, you will sit in that chair right over there and you will calm the hell down before laying even a FINGER on my baby. Understood?" Harry's eyes glanced back and forth from me to Lindsey before nodding and taking a seat in the corner. "Alex, I'll be right outside if you need me."

The door shut and I took a seat at the desk. Harry's eyes were glued to me, but he didn't say anything.

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