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"Alex? You up?" My dad called from outside my door and knocked a few times but I was to out of it to reply.

"Alex, wake up." Harry whispered harshly in my ear, rocking me back and forth. "Dude, your dad." He seemed so scared and I smile, loving it.

"Alex! I'm visiting grandma tonight, I won't be home. Will you be ok or do you wanna come?" He yells but doesn't open the door.

"Um," I rub my eyes and sit up. "No I'll be fine. You have fun."

"Ok, love you sweetie."

"Love you dad." I then hear him descend down the staircase and I groan loudly falling onto my mattress. "Told you he never comes in."

"I nearly had a heart attack."

"It's not like he'd care anyway. To be honest, I think he thinks you're gay." I shrug and get out of bed.

"What?" His face looks shocked.

"What?" I shrug like it's no big deal.

"Why does he think I'm gay?" He follows me to my bathroom so I can wash my face once more.

"Well, you always have your hair done nicely and your pants are pretty tight." He stares at me with a straight face and I burst into laughter. "I'm joking!"

"Ha ha." He gives a mockery smile.

"No, but he really might think that." I say and he rolls his eyes.

I bend over and begin washing my face with soap and water. When I finish I dry my face with my towel and turn to see Harry still there, leaning against the doorframe with a smirk across his face, his dark blue turtle neck hung loosely around him.

"What?" I stand awkwardly waiting for him to say something.

"I want to show you something." He nods his head towards him and turns around waiting for me to follow. He leads me down stairs and outside.

"Harry, what are we doing?" I ask but he doesn't respond. He keeps walking and when he reaches this very nice old car he turns and opens his arms.

"You like?" He smiles big, his eyes a little puffy from sleeping and hair looking messy yet he's still perfect.

"The car?" I question and walk over to him and the vehicle. He nods and turns to look at it as well. "It's gorgeous." I walk around the back of the car to the passenger side examining it. "Is it yours?"

He nods again and places his hand on the hood. "Yeah, it was my dads old car, a 1966 Mercedes Benz. He had it out back at my grandparents so I asked him if I could have it and he said yes. We both fixed her up, gave her a paint job and now she's good as new." He smiles proudly and I can't help but watch how his eyes shine while talking about it.

"Two seater, huh?"

"One for me and one for you." I eye him and he keeps his eyes on me, never looking away. I nod and click my tongue, desperately trying to hide my smile even though I know he can see it, before walking over to where he's standing. "I know I've been a bit distant lately, and not just this past week but ever since Clary and I have gotten close," His words cut through me. Clary was the last thing I wanted to talk about. But I kept a straight face, not flinching at the mention of her name. "So I got you a little something."

I playfully scoff and lean against the car. "So you think you can buy me off or something?"

"No," He shakes his head and let's out a sharp breath with a smile. "Not what I'm trying to do at all. Gosh, that came out so wrong." He mumbles the last part to himself before reaching in his car and pulling some small paper things from the visor. "The something I got you is really for the both of us. Something to do together.. tonight."

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