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(if you haven't read my modified ending to ch. 26 check that hoe out)

I turned over to see Evan was asleep. The morning sun was beaming through my window creating a lovely picture in front of me. He looked so peaceful and for the first time in a while I looked at him and my heart smiled. I brought my fingers to his face and traced his scruffy jaw line, his sharp nose, and then his lips. There was a time when him and I were the only two people in the world. We were together in this place and everyone else was just matter floating around us. We would go to the park and eat ice cream. We even considered getting a dog at one point. But he started his job and everyday we grew a little further apart. One day I looked up and the "little" turned into a lot.

He sits with me at the dinner table and he's physically there but his mind is anywhere else. I ask him to go to the park on a sweet Sunday morning but he brushes me off. That's why I kissed Harry last night. I loved Even when he loved me, but this man sleeping in my bed isn't the man I wanted to marry. I pulled my hand away from his pretty face. That's all he was now, a pretty face. And it wasn't going to last much longer, I could feel it.

I got out of bed and proceeded to the kitchen to cook some eggs and bacon. My mind wondered so far that I didn't even hear Evan get up. "Morning." He said rubbing his face and sitting at the table. I looked over at this shirtless man and sighed. I needed to tell him about last night.

"So last night," He began speaking. "What'd you do?"

I didn't answer. I pushed the eggs onto two plates and some bacon on the side. He waited patiently for me to answer, probably because he knew what I was going to say. "I went out." I finally said, placing the plate in front of him and taking a seat.

"With who?" He asked, not touching his food.

For a split second the thought of lying flew through my mind, but only for a second. "An old friend. They got into town recently."

He let out a small laugh, almost like he caught me in lie. "You mean Harry Styles."

"Yes." I get up to pour myself a glass of water. "Would you like a drink?"

"Don't you care how I know?" He shot back. I honestly didn't. When I didn't answer him he proceeded to tell me anyway. "He came by last night."

My cup filled and I turned the water off, continuing to face away from him. I took a drink of my water and tried to find a response. Why did he come back? My heart began racing, I was worried about what was said. Did he tell him about the kiss? Kisses?

"You left your phone in his car." He spoke calmly with me and it made me nervous. "You were already sound asleep so I thanked him and sent him on his way."

"Oh, thank you." I turned back around and gave a weak smile, making my way back to the table.

"So where did you two go?" He sat up straight and clasped his hands together over the table.

"We went to a party." I shrugged and put some egg in my mouth.

"And how was it?" His voice was stern, cold. His patients was wearing thin.

"It was fine, I guess."

"So, you go out, without telling me. You stay out basically all night. And you were with him? Him? International singer Harry Styles? Why didn't you tell me you knew him when he performed at the hotel? Why didn't you mention him to me? Ever? In all this time we've been together I don't think you've ever once mentioned that he was your friend, I find-"

"We kissed." I blurted out. My eyes shut closed, trying to teleport myself anywhere but here. I didn't want to blurt it out but my mouth opened and the words spilled. Evan didn't say a work and when I opened my eyes he was staring at me. His face was red and eyes looked as though they might pop out. "Last night, at the party. We kissed."

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