The Call

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Sorry ahead of time for the mention of religion, but Felix is an atheist(that means he doesn't have a religion) and he's pissed off. So, I'm just rolling with the character.


Chapter 24

POV: Felix

"There is simply no more room in Hell for the sinners of the world. This is God punishing the sinners since they cannot be sent to Hell. They must suffer as mindless flesh eaters..." Some religious leader preached on the TV.

"Change the channel!" I called from down the hall. "Religious 'reasoning' won't help anyone." I mumbled as I walked into the living room.

"I know..." Emma breathed, flipping through channels. "It was the first station I found that worked." She shrugged her shoulders and rested her arms on the arms of the comfy looking chair.

"Medical authorities in Japan, China,..."

"Turn that up. Guys get in here!" I said.

"...and the United States have came to a conclusion as to what caused this epidemic and what it does." A news anchor announced as words scrolled by, translating his words into multiple languages. "The virus was spread through two methods: the first, as an air born pathogen. The air born pathogen, once spread, causes severer sickness for around two-four weeks. The sickness then leads to death. But something in the virus causes the host to come back to life with cannibalistic intentions. The second, is by radiation. Once the radiation seeps into the ground, it resurrects the dead giving them the same drive for flesh. The only way to kill the undead is to, quote, 'Aim for the head'. By destroying the brain you destroy the nervous system, leading the undead to their final death." The news man paused a took in a beep breath. He looked into the camera and laid a hand gun on the desk. "This will probably be the last news report anyone will hear... Good luck and aim for the head."

The screen turned to scribbled and I looked around the room. Emma was leaning back in her chair, Fianna had an arm over George's shoulder, Ryan had a arm around Fianna's lower back, and the two soldiers, Åskar and Zeus, stood behind Emma and me. Everyone just stared at the screen with the same blank expression.

"Well, that confirms a lot." Emma said, standing up from the soft chair.

"What did that confirm?" asked George.

"Zombies, kill method, why theres hardly any news, and-"

Before she could say another word my phone rang. Everyone looked at me with concerned faces, except for Åskar and Zeus; they just looked confused. I slowly pulled out my phone and answered, putting it on speaker.

"Felix?" The sound of Marzia's voice made my legs buckle from beneath me a bit.

"Hey baby. Are you okay?" I asked, trying to stay as calm as possible for her.

"Yeah I'm... I'm okay. They took us to some prison or something. and they put us in cells." Hate built up inside of me. Hate for my own government.

"Wh-who's we?" I asked.

"Me, my friend Ashly, and a guy named Grant." She said quietly.

Fianna quickly darted over to the phone. "Grant O'Loughlin?"

We heard footsteps then a male voice. "Fianna? Is that you?" The male voice asked. "Is George with you?"

"I'm fine, Grant." George said, coming up to the phone with a smile on his face.

Marzia started to say something but was cut off by another voice. "What are you doing?!" I heard a person ask. I knew they were Swedish. I could easily hear the accent. My stomach knotted. In fear.

"Felix, I love you and I don't know if I'll live. But..."

"Hand it over!"

"I'm pregnant, Felix." Then the line went dead.

Sup Bros,

So...yeah. That happened.... Sorry it was soooooooo short. I just can't think write now. My minds everywhere.

Shout out to another great writer I know. @Raven_Ivar


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