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Chapter 27

POV: Fianna

We trudged through the thickening snow and into the last grocery store that we came by, pulling the still unconscious, tied up soldiers in with us.

Emma still hasn't stopped crying, Ryan's staying strong for the group, and me and George are pissed off, its kinda how we show we care. I know weird, but it's just how it goes.

A rush of warm air greeted us as we closed the front doors. Ryan and I propped the soldiers up on a shelf then stood by the kids.

"The heater still works here." I smiled.

"You guys stay here. I'll go check everything out." Ryan whispered, not trusting the situstion. Emma had already walked over to a corner and sat down, gazing off into the darkness of the store. George went with her and I was left at the door to wait, blade in hand.I heard a loud bang and jumped a bit.

"You two stay here." I whispered, walking off to find Ryan.

I walked past a few isles, looking down each one with my flashlight until I got to the last isle. Taking in a deep breath beforehand, I slowly put my head around the corner and turned my flashlight on.Seeing no one or thing there I sighed a greatful breath.

I was about to turn around when two hands grabbed me. I took in a sharp breath and jumped around to face the possible attacker.

"Hey." Ryan smiled. His smile grew as he noticed my aggravation, but I had to laugh. He's smiles just to cute.

"You scared me!" I exclaimed softly.

His eyes met mine and I noticed his hands hadn't left my sides. I looked down at his hands and back to him, blushing. He quickly looked at his hands and pulled them away. We both kinda laugh, more like giggled, and blushed a deep red.

"Traders woke up." I heard George from behind Ryan. I peered over Ryans broad shoulders and followed George to the front of the store, Ryan following behind me.

Ryan and I walked up to the soldiers as George sat back down with Emma.

"What are we supposed to do or say? They don't know English." Ryan asked.

"I don't care if they know English. I learned something from watching PewDiePie." I huffed, walking to the pissed off soldiers feet. I went off on them, using all the words I remembered hearing from Felix's videos. So we all have a pretty good idea of what I said.

By the end of my rant their faces were filled with shock and Ryan bursted out with laughter. "I'm sorry, but that was amazing!" He laughed, whipping a tear from his eye.

"I don't even know what that last sentence meant." I smirked.

My eyes went over to George and Emma to see what they toke of it. But their heads leaned on one-another a as they slept almost peacefully. I could hear the unclothed soldier, Åskar, mumbling under the duck-tape over his mouth.

I tore off the tape and let him speak. He shouted and ranted in Swedish, finishing off by spitting on my feet.

"Hey!" Ryan lunged forward but I grabbed his shoulder to stop him.

"It's okay. I probably said worse."

"I wouldn't say that. I think he won that one." George said, slowly standing up, making sure Emma did not wake up.

He walked over to the soldier and punched him in the face, causing his nose to bleed, then put the tape back over his mouth as he said something in Swedish. "Now let's go to sleep." He grumbled, setting down with Emma again.

"You know Swedish?" I questioned.

"Yeah. I learned it a year ago." He yawned, drifting off into a light sleep.

"Well then..." I sighed and grabbed blankets from George's and Emma's packs, laying them over the two as Ryan dragged Zeus and Åskar to the end of the first isle.

"I'll take the first watch shift. You need some rest." Ryan offered.

I grabbed our blankets and sat down near the front doors. "No it's okay. You've been luging Åskar around for almost three miles. You need the rest more then I do." I yawned.

"I won't be sleeping tonight. Go ahead sleep."

I sighed, "Fine. But wake me up in three. Okay? You need your rest to." A smile grew on his face. He nodded.

My stomach turned as I thought of the questions on everyone's mind. "Ryan,"


"How long do we wait for him?" I whispered.

"We can't wait forever." He admitted. "Will give him to noon tomorrow before we head out... Now go to sleep. I'll wake you up in a few hours."

I drifted off into a light slumber as my brother and Emma had done and prayed for Felix's return. But it seemed like in no time I was wakened by a call for me. I jolted up right as a zombie chomped inches from my face. I held my arm to its neck with all my force, as I searched my pockets for my switchblade. Quickly, I pulled it out and sliced it against the zombies neck. An almost burning pain hit my arm as I stabbed into its skull. I pushed the decaying body off of me and hopped to my feet. There were still three zombies in the store: two on George and Emma and one on Ryan. I figured Ryan could hold his own in a fight against a mindless zombie so I darted to the kids rescue. Forcefully, I stabbed the knife through one zombies skull, killing it instantly, then through the other, having the same effect. I heard Ryan yell from behind me. Some how three more zombies had appeared.

"DONT MOVE!" I yelled at the two as I sprinted to Ryan. I quickly noticed his head was covered in blood. "Dammit Ryan!" I yelled as I killed off one of the zombies. He quickly took care of the other two with his axe and sighed. "What happened?"

"Zeus and Åskar! They hit me over the head with...something and let those things in."

"What!? What happened to them?"

Ryan pointed down at the two dead bodies. "That."

I was about to say something but was cut off by the honk of a car horn. "Hide!" I whispered. We all ran behind isles and held our weapons close.


Sup Bros,

Only about four chapters left! I'm extremely excited to see how you bros like it.

Also! Depending on how I end it, there may be a sequel. But only if I end it one of the three ways playing in my mind. Or I could go with the 4th or 5th way...idk


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