The Fallen

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Chapter 29

POV: Emma

Me and Felix walked to the front of the ferry where all the controls were. We got into the cab and shut the door behind us. It was just as cold as it was outside. All the controls looked like they were covered in frost.

"Is this going to work?" I asked.

"Yeah, it'll work...It has to." Felix mumbled as he searched around the boat.

"Right..." I sighed. "What ya' lookin' for?"

"The key." He said, sounding a bit frantic. "It's not in here...where could it be?" I think he asked himself that.

My eyes searched around until I spotted a small shack like building just a few yards away. "Would the keys be over there?" I asked, pointing over to the building.

"Yeah." He smiled. "Good job. I'll be right back." He patted my back as he walked by me.

I grabbed his arm before he could get out of the cab. "Whoow, whow, whow, where do you think your going?"

"Emm, don't worry. I'll be right over there and-"

"Nope, not with out me." I said as I walked behind him.

"It's not safe. So, you stay here."

"Exactly why I'm not. Now come on." I said, leading the way.

I could hear him sigh and I couldn't help but smile. "Fine. Just STAY WITH ME." He said as he pulled me to his side. "I'll grab the guns from the back." He said as we walked by Fianna and George, who where strapping down the car to the boat.

"Where are you two going?" Fianna coughed out.

Concern swiped over me. I looked over to Felix when he didn't answer. He looked even more concerned then me. "To, uh, get the keys." I answered for Felix, having to talk a bit louder over the wind. I looked over to Felix to see if he would speak but no words came, he just stared at Fianna. "They're over there," I pointed behind me. "In that shack."

"Okay, watch your backs." She advised and went back to helping George tying down the car.

"Emma, can you go get the guns from the back for me?" God, has that really already became a normal sentence? I mean none of them gave that second thought. I guess we just have to adapt.

"Um yeah sure..." I said and started to walk to the back of the vehicle.

"George, why don't you go help her out." I heard Fianna say. George was quickly at my side and we were to the back of the SUV in no time.

Neither of us said anything to each other as he heard the faint words of Fianna and Felix over the gusting wind. I sighed, imagining their conversation as I pulled open the trunk.

The truck was packed full of boxes upon boxes, completely full of supplies: guns, clothes, covers, ammo, food, water, and other survival necessities that could last us for months.

"What are you guys doing?" I heard Ryan from the front of the car. I looked over the boxes as best I could to see Ryan, Lily, and the pug peeking around the front seat. I have to say, It was pretty dang cute. Totally the cutest thing I've seen in the past week.

"Getting a couple guns for me and Felix. We're going to get the keys for the boat."

"Why do you need guns?" Lily's cute innocents broke my heart. She'll have to grow up with all this mess.

I stuttered, trying to answer. "Hey, lets play I Spy!" Ryan thankfully distracted her. I know, I know, she'll have to learn at some point but I don't want to ruin life for her yet, I think Ryan and everyone else agrees.

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