Beyond the Veil

165 7 3

18 June 1996 11:24 AM

Sirius had just floo'd off the last of his recommendations to Azkaban Prison as to how to maximize security and reduce the threat of more prison breakouts. His notes ended with that if they were to treat the prisoners as human beings instead of ignoring them, they'd better grasp any changes with the prisoners themselves. "Oh and lose the dementors," he wrote as an addendum.

It was a typical Tuesday afternoon and Cassie and Sirius had sat down to lunch and chatted about their last two decisions regarding a summer holiday to the states; the decision regarding exactly when would depend on how soon Sirius and Harry's passports arrived in the post. The second decision was how many theme parks they would visit...Sirius definitely wanted to visit a Disney park and the kids only wanted to ride roller coasters and other thrill rides. Cassie had no input regarding thrill rides because she'd be the one to have to have to sit them out. Sirius teased that he'd take on a large share of the babysitting-duties so that Cassie could try to enjoy her holiday alone if she wished, which he knew was what she didn't want at all and was why he had said it in the first place.

"Are you trying to annoy me," she asked.

"Nope, I'm doing a fairly decent job of it actually," he replied, half-laughing. She flicked a stinging jinx at him with lightning speed; he deflected it effortlessly with his wand. "My, you're grumpy today--hungry?"

She nodded her head as she returned her attention to the reading materials with a sigh.

Sirius watched Cassie ravenously attack the fried cheese sandwich and the reheated tomato bisque that he had prepared for her the day prior. He occasionally looked up from the touring materials to see if she was dipping her sandwich into the soup, but he saw that she didn't and he smiled warmly. Their decisions regarding hotels was still up in the air as no decisions could be reached.

"Well, we should probably put in a reservation with a travel agent as soon as we can--we can always change the dates," she said. "We know about when the passports are going to come," she said.

"You don't seen very excited about it?"

"I just think I'm going to want to rest is all. My feet are already starting to swell up as it is and my back hurts a lot."

"Is that all," Sirius asked.



She hemmed and hawed and gave him a non-answer.

"It's Prince, isn't it?"

She sighed and nodded.

"Thought as much." He sipped on his lemon water. "We can stay here, you know. We can go camping--ride motorbikes around--" He glanced at the newest framed photo on the wall of the family room...the two of them engaged in a kiss atop a newly purchased motorbike. Albus had screamed at him that she had ridden the bike out there...Sirius relayed that she had actually ridden Prince and he was just out of the photo frame grazing.

Sirius relayed that she had actually ridden Prince and he was just out of the photo frame grazing

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