A Matter of Time

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After Sirius left him, Riddle rose from his chair and exited the room, descended the stairs   and silently walked into the kitchen. He watched momentarily as his men milled  about  the large room. His eyes sought out Regulus and he called him  over.

Regulus bowed his head as he approached. "My Lord?"

"Go check on your mother and make certain that all is well?"

"Yes, My Lord," Regulus replied quietly, moved that he would have   taken an interest in his mother's well being. Regulus was still incensed   that the older wizard had poisoned his house elf and left him to die;   Regulus vowed to the weakened elf that he would exact his  revenge.

Riddle listened for the young man's footfalls and walked over to the floo where Malfoy was standing. "Did you scry?"

"Yes My Lord."


"We have the location."


"She's in the Highlands."

"That does not surprise me at all. She's not too far from Dumbledore.   Easy access to the grounds of Hogwarts and she's small enough to slip   through the gates--she's a Nahua you know?"

"No my Lord, I didn't know--she's quite the natural talent! I'm told   that Sirius is privy to the secret entrances to the grounds and to the   castle as well. I'm certain that he's told her."

"I don't believe he has. I found no evidence of such a conversation between them. Lots of pillow talk, but nothing of real use."

"Pillow talk, my Lord?"

Riddle chuckled. "Apparently, my daughter wishes to be courted!"

Malfoy looked away and chuckled in spite of himself. "Oh my, how romantic!"

"Well, he's the one to do it. It's as if it's an instinct for him and   he's quite knowledgeable for such a young man--all the better for her, I   suppose?"

"Truly, my Lord. Shall we fetch her now?"

"No. She's had quite the traumatic experience. We won't win her over   that way." He shook his head, his own body still reeling from the pain of his loss. "No, this is still quite the delicate situation. They'll need   one or two more times at least for a pregnancy to stick. Why don't you   all go to your homes and stop consuming these good people's food and   drink?"


Sirius entered the men's public lavatory and entered a stall, stepped   into the commode and flushed. He was swooshed down into the main   corridor of the Ministry to find it nearly deserted, as it should have   been that time of night. He made his way toward the Auror's offices and   opened the door and walked in. Kingsley Shacklebolt raised his head  over  the cubicle walls and greeted him.

"What brings you in here at this time of night, Sirius?"

"Erm, just letting someone know--anyone really, well, that I need some time--"

Kingsley sat up straight. It was easy for him to tell that his friend was quite distraught.

Sirius sighed impatiently. "Dee's had another miscarriage," he blurted out finally. "I need time to be with her."

"Oh no!" Kingsley stood up and quickly approached him. "I'm so sorry! She is going to be alright though, yes?"

"Hope so. Lily's with her and erm, she has a regular check up scheduled for   tomorrow."

"Alright, but what about you?"

Sirius waved his concerns away as he usually did and Kinglsey raised his brow and moved to speak, but Moody had cleared his throat and interrupted them.

Sirius turned his head and saw Moody standing outside his   office door. He motioned for him to come over with a nod of his head and   held out his arm and wrapped it around Sirius' shoulder.

"You're looking quite spiffy! All dressed up and no where to go, aye Sirius?"

"Just came from my parents place. There was about nine or ten DEs in   the kitchen alone. No idea if there were any more lurkin' about?"

Moody grimaced as he led Sirius into his office. "Shame we can't find the place."

"Well, I can't find it either."

"Oh no." Moody hung his head as he sat in his chair.

"I can still floo there, though."

Mood looked up at him with alarm. "Oh dear!"


"If you can floo there, then they can find you, Sirius!"

"They'll not get through--there's wards on the floo. Dumbledore himself put them up."

"Well, that's good. But Malfoy's a good scryer. He can find you on a map if he wanted. One of the many benefits of divination. Vigilance Sirius, vigilance!"

Sirius shook his head and sneered. "He won't hurt her. He has sworn to protect her."

Moody's demeanor changed immediately and he grinned. "Is that so? How fortuitous! Does she like him at all?"

"I believe it's more or less toleration now, but once upon a time she liked him--he's always been kind to her. Why?"

"Perhaps we can use that to our advantage?"

Sirius shook his head again. "Oh no! You're not sending her into the snake pit!"

"No of course not, not now--but when she's older and a bit more wiser perhaps?"

Sirius shook his head again, putting his foot down. "No, Alistor.   I'll not have it! I don't want her anywhere near that lot! You'll not   use her as bait!"

"Oh no, nothing such as that." Moody's good eye avoided his gaze as he caught Kingsley signing to him regarding Cassie's miscarriage and his face fell...he had assumed that Sirius had been at a formal function.

"Uh huh. I know how you think and the answer is still no."

"As you wish Sirius," he grumbled. "How long you gonna need to be out?"

Sirius stared at him for a moment. "I don't remember informing you that I needed--"

"Sirius," he sighed. "You know that there's many ways we now communicate with each other--it's not all spoken, right?"

Sirius looked behind him and saw Kingsley standing in the doorway, with the saddest look on his face for his friend, realizing what had just transpired and he sighed...it had been his and James' idea to teach them the ways of the silent Marauder's version of sign language, it was how he and James managed to work so well in tandem. It had caught on so well, that everyone was using it. "No idea. We've an appointment in the morning with the midwife--we'll see what she says."

"Keep us informed alright?"

Sirius nodded and turned to leave.


He stopped just shy of the door and cocked his head to the side as Kingsley moved away from the doorway. "Yeah?"

"I am sorry for your loss, lad. Tell Cass we'll all be thinkin' of ya two and if ya need anythin'--anythin' at all, you have have but to call on us!"

"Thanks, Moody. I'll tell her."

"Take all the time you need, Sirius. In fact, why don't you take a week or two--"

Sirius turned around and moved to protest but was silenced by Moody standing up, holding his hand up for silence. "But--"

"Take two weeks! Go on home, now! Go on!"

Sirius smiled as he left Moody's office. He was right when he told Cassie that the old man had a soft spot for her...Kingsley too.

Moody looked up at Kingsley and waved him into his office. "Shacklebolt, keep an eye on him. He's been dealt quite the blow and he's not with it at all."

Kingsley nodded. "I can see that. I'll pay them a visit tomorrow then and see how they're holding up."

Moody nodded his head and sighed with worry as he absentmindedly fingered the many parchments on his desk.

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