The deal

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The room was exquisite -The walls were covered with shimmering green paper and in the middle of the ceiling above the carved oak table was a candelabra. It was a grand space, to say the least. Slughorn had obviously made a great deal of effort. Even with the sharp cold of late autumn, the room was cozy, the fireplace mimicking the warmth of the day.

"Ah Esmeralda my dear, early as always."

She turned quickly, forcing her smiling mask onto her face.

"I'm sorry if I've intruded Professor." She replied with sickening sweetness, though Slughorn didn't seem to notice.

"No no my child, not at all. Come it with me while we wait."

He pulled out a chair from the grand table and Esmeralda, however reluctant, sat gently in it. Slughorn sat beside her a huge smile plastered on his merry face. It was quite obvious to Esmeralda that he'd already had one to many Sherries.

"So my dear, before everyone else comes, just between you and me..."

He paused for dramatic effect and lent slightly closer.

"Is there anything between you and Tom?"

Esmeralda almost laughed at the absurdity of the question. Of course there wasn't. It was a foolish idea to even comprehend it... Wait.

Did others think something was between them?

"I... not that I'm aware professor." Esmeralda stuttered, hating herself for blushing.

He lent back, his eyebrows raised and a smirk that clearly showed he thought otherwise.

"I'll just ask Tom." He answered.

Esmeralda tried not to wince. She had no idea how Tom would handle that, though she had a suspicion it wouldn't be good.

"Aside the charming young Tom, how is Hogwarts treating you?"

Esmeralda smiled at him briefly.

"It is interesting Sir. It is nothing like I thought it would be, but then, I had no true idea of what to expect."

Slughorn nodded seemingly thoughtful.

"Spoken just like your mother, oh yes... she was always good with words." Slughorn said smiling almost gently at her.

Esmeralda froze ever so slightly.

"You knew her?"

"Oh yes, I knew her. She was in my year, but that was a very long time ago." He ended with a chuckle.

A very long time ago indeed....

"Ah Tom m'boy."

Esmeralda snapped out of her out of her retrieve and turned her head slightly to look at the door. He stood stiffly, his eyes narrowing at the sight of them sitting together. Esmeralda raised an eyebrow at him. He gave a strained smile before closing the door.

"The others will be here shortly Sir."

Slughorn clapped in delight.

"Wonderful m'boy. Now you're seat in next to the dear Esmeralda. She looks beautiful don't you agree?"

Esmeralda watched Tom swallow before answering.

"Yes Sir. She always does."

"Ooh." Whispered Slughorn in obvious glee.

He watched with wide eyes as Tom moved to sit next to her. Esmeralda felt beyond awkward – The professor clearly had little control over his actions.

Stop running from me (A Tom Riddle Story)Where stories live. Discover now