Library Gossip

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"I have a question."

Esmeralda lifted her eyes briefly before going back to her book.

"It can wait." she replied sounding utterly bored.

Her book was whipped out from underneath her in an instant, leaving her staring at the dark wooden table. She sighed and briefly closed her eyes, reeling in her anger, before looking up and facing him once more. He was inspecting the leather cover of the book with a look of slight contempt.

"Tell me how you knew about my father?"

Esmeralda blinked several times - out of all the things he could have asked, she hadn't actually been expecting that. After last nights revelations... well, she wasn't sure what she could expect from him now.

"A little bird told me."

He snarled and met her eyes.

"Don't play games with me." he hissed.

Esmeralda glanced around the library. Dust collected everywhere as far as she could see, spider webs wove loosely around books, dirtied shelves, and stands. Just like the rest of the room the bookcases were old and basic but they still had integrity. A group of hufflepuff girls were sitting only a couple of tables away, all of them staring at Esmeralda and Tom frequently as though they would gain something from watching them. They whispered to themselves as Esmeralda caught a couple of their gazes.

She rolled her eyes in deep annoyance before turning to back to Tom.

"This really isn't the place to discuss it." she whispered.

His frown deepened.

"After last night, I expect you to-"

He broke off after seeing Esmeralda's posture change. She sat up straighter, her eyes becoming more welcoming, a small smile lighting her face. Tom was stunned at her sudden change, and though he'd never admit it, momentarily unnerved.

"Good evening Professor." she said quietly, her expertly faked shy persona coming into the world once more.

"A pleasant one I must agree." replied Professor Dumbledore.

Esmeralda watched as Tom gave a flash of a grimace before copying her.

"Can we help you professor?" he asked politely.

Dumbledore's blue eyes met his green ones. Esmeralda watched in hidden amusement and annoyance when the blue eyes narrowed dangerously.

"What are the two of you doing?" he asked slowly.

"Tom's helping me with divination father, you know how bad I am at that." Esmeralda answered giving a slight giggle. Dumbledore's face lit up as he turned to her. Behind his back Tom gave her an approving smirk.

"Ah yes. Professor Dinkle did tell me how you smashed one of his crystal balls."

Esmeralda looked abashed.

"I tripped on his carpet and it just kind of...flew." she mumbled.

Dumbledore laughed at her embarrassment.

"Good luck then Esmeralda. I hope your studying goes well."

He walked off quite suddenly, humming as he did so what sounded like the theme tune to Bob the Builder. Esmeralda frowned... she wasn't sure whether to be disgusted at him for humming it or disgusted at herself for knowing that that was what it was.

"You know... for hating him you're very good at getting him to like you." Tom drawled.

Esmeralda shrugged.

Stop running from me (A Tom Riddle Story)Where stories live. Discover now