A Lily's Pollen (New Years Ball part 2)

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"Think of me..."

Esmeralda stopped singing on a beautiful major key. When the music stopped a sudden silence filled the ballroom before a cacophony of applause and cheering sounded as people stood to their feet. A palpable joy of the upcoming New Year buzzed through the charged air, and Esmeralda curtsied gracefully.

Tom stood as she made her way towards him. She gave him an expectant look and he shrugged, not wanting to show how much he'd actually rather enjoyed her performance. Rolling her eyes, Esmeralda took his hands in her own, squeezing them tightly.

"I need to kill someone." She said lightly, making Tom smirk.

Her act of apparent happiness would fool anyone watching them around the hall into thinking she was exchanging joyous words with him. Dimitri snorted behind them and they both turned to see him raise a glass of wine in Esmeralda's direction.

"To the dark angel." He said before downing it.

Esmeralda lifted her lip, slightly disgusted at his alcoholism before turning to look at Tom.

"Find out everything you needed to? "She asked quietly.

Tom nodded.

"He's quite an expert."

Esmeralda smirked.

"You'll be the expert soon enough." She whispered.

Tom was about to respond stopping when he saw who was approaching. With a knowing glance at Esmeralda, he fixed a charming smirk on his face. Quick to follow his lead, Esmeralda created her usual gentle smile before turning around to see Leonard, Philip, Pippin and (To her disgust) Albus approaching them.

"Your voice is as perfect as you are." Leonard said, leaning forward on his walking stick, "I had no idea you could sing so high."

"She is always full of surprises Leonard." Philip mused, nodding his head once at Esmeralda who accepted the hidden compliment from him.

"And who might this charming young man be?" Leonard asked, turning to look at Tom.

Tom pulled himself upright and held out his hand.

"Tom Riddle Sir." He replied with a charming smile.

Leonard shook his hand.

"Leonard Spencer-Moon. Slughorn's told me a lot about your abilities son, I expect you'll be the next minister the way you're going."

Esmeralda felt a sudden tightness on her hand as Tom nodded in thanks. Did he dislike the idea? Esmeralda frowned slightly, if he wanted power, the minister's job was the best thing to have.

"Pippin was blown over by your show Esmeralda." Leonard said turning to look at his son.

Pippin gave Esmeralda a strained and rather poisonous smile.

"A true angel." He commented, eyeing Tom in discrete anger.

"Thank you Pippin." She responded gently, making Tom's smirk widen.

"What about you Albus? What did you think?" Leonard suddenly asked Dumbledore, who had been dangerously quiet the whole time.

"She continues to impress me every day. I do believe there is... nothing, she cannot do." Albus said watching her.

Leonard laughed loudly, missing the series of dark looks that flew between Esmeralda, Albus and Philip. Esmeralda knew instantly that her father knew something. Whether it was Tom's horcurx or her mother she wasn't sure. But he was onto them and she had to get away.

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