Kidnapping the Past

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The way his hand made the quill move over the parchment created such a beat that Tom found it becoming a background noise that made his brain slow.

He glanced up and his eyes found her instantly.

She sat on the other side of the library, reading a book sparingly as she watched the other girls gossip quietly. Whatever is was they were talking about, it obviously interested her, but not enough for her to join in the conversation.

He sighed and looked back down at his astronomy homework, frowning as it began to swim before his eyes. He hated it when exams closed in. Too much homework, he had far better things to do with his time than write why Saturn passed Jupiter on the 14th.

"Take a break Tom."

Snapping his head up, Tom looked as Abraxas in disdain. The blonde haired boy merely raised an eyebrow.

"I know that look, see it in Grace sometimes," Abraxas continued, glancing across the library at the girl he mentioned , "She works too hard."

"And what had that got to do with me?" Tom asked coldly, refusing to look in the direction of her. Malfoy would not see his weakness, no one would.

"Take. A. Break." Abraxas repeated in a mocking tone, "Do something that makes you... I dunno, happy?"

Tom's face darkened.

"Happy." He said slowly as though the word was poison on his tongue.

Abraxas sighed and lent forward over the table, turning to look across the library at Grace with some form of amusement in his face.

"There has to be something that makes you happy." He said quietly, as though in a world of his own.

He couldn't help it.

Tom looked at Esmeralda. Her white hair shining in the afternoon sun...

He tore his gaze from her, anger building in his chest.

"I don't do happiness Malfoy. And stop staring at Miss Everlynn, you look like a fool." He hissed as he collected his things and walked away, his head held high. 

Once he past through the door to the library into the abandoned corridor, Tom let his shoulders slump slightly. He walked blindly, not paying attention to where he was going.

He hated himself. She was in his thoughts, day and night. He could hear her laughter, see her fierce eyes, feel the fire in her veins. At night he would think of her touch and in the day he's watch her like she was his-

But she wasn't. She couldn't be.  Lord Voldemort could not allow this to keep happening.


Tom clenched his hands in fists. The ring on his left hand dug into his palm. It soothed him. He stopped and stared out across the lake. He stood in the exact place he and Esmeralda had stood back in November watching the sunrise. Why had his feet led him there?

Fate was a cruel master. Closing his eyes he could picture them. Three bodies lay before him, a man, a woman and a boy. All of the horribly beautiful, their mouths open in silent screams. Green light reflected in their eyes.

Dead. Dead as they always should have been. 

No one knew. Except her.

Tom growled. She was like a rose. Sweet but twisted with thorns. WHy-

He spun around at the sound a a twig snapping pointing his wand directly into the intruders face. How dare they sneak up on him, were they seriously that stupid?

Stop running from me (A Tom Riddle Story)Where stories live. Discover now