Helena's Truth

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He had two things on his mind.

The first was trying to figure out how to penetrate Dorian's rather well guarded hideaway.

The second was Esmeralda.

Even as he sat and stared at layouts, old blueprints and manuscripts, it was her that his mind wandered to. For one week she had been missing. And Tom reasoned that one day in Dorian's grasp would be one too much. He had no true idea of the man, or his capabilities. But he knew that if Esmeralda shook at his very name then he was a man to be reckoned with.

He glanced up at the men that sat around the table, surprised that the old man opposite tolerated his presence. But perhaps after apprehending Amalia and turning her over to Dumbledore, once he had located him, maybe the old fool trusted him once again. Or trusted him enough to let Tom help him find his daughter and Philip. Even the minister had pulled him out of classes, with the headmasters kind permission, to help look for and if necessary rescue Esmeralda.

He had reluctantly told Dumbledore and the Minister of how Esmeralda had lost control, how he had questioned Amalia after she had run (Leaving out how he had tortured her to the point where he began to loose her memories. The Ministry had mused that Dorian had placed a spell on her that would make her forget the moment she was captured.) Tom still smirked at how blind and stupid the ministry was... When he became Minister, the world would be righted and no such lies would slip through his fingers like water.

"Though I hate to say it, I do not think that looking over these old papers again will help us."

Tom looked up at Dumbledore and nodded. A few of the aurors with them ignored Dumbledore's comment, continuing to root through anything that might help. But like Dumbledore, most of them knew that they would not find Esmeralda or Philip through the old papers. They sat in silence until Tom stood and adjusted the black jacket over his shoulders.

"Forgive me professor, I will go for a walk to try and clear my head." He said.

Dumbledore sighed and nodded, gesturing for Tom to leave as his own eyes traveled to a window beside him, clearly already deep in thought. No one else gave him a second glance as Tom turned and left without a looking back. He walked quickly through the stone hallways, finding it slightly disturbing to be back in Philip's castle without Philip or Esmeralda being present. It was quiet without them, as though the heart of the castle was missing.

How many times had he walked the corridors or laid on her bed? How many times had he rested his head on her pillows and thought of her? Too many. Of that he was certain...

In truth, he was far more worried of what Esmeralda or Philip might reveal about himself than he was their safety. He knew enough of Esmeralda and her godfather to know they could both handle themselves. But what they would reveal to protect one another... that was a problem.

Tom growled and shoved his hands in his pockets. Stupid, foolish, ignorant girl! Why had she run? Why had she so callously left him to find her when he could have helped her? Helped her without the interfering ministry or the watchful eye of her delusional father. Neither of which were any real use.

There was no one alive that knew Dorian. No spies let themselves live, no one got in his hideaway deep under the Scottish highlands. It was impregnable. And u-

Tom stopped.

There was no one alive that knew Dorian.

Tom turned and began running up the nearest staircase, taking the steps 3 or 4 at a time. How could he have been so blind? His lungs burned as he ran, some part of his mind realizing that he had probably never ran so fast in his life. There was no one alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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