A Complicated Day

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"Miss Fray, a word if you will."

Esmeralda and Tom both stopped and turned to see Professor Dumbledore standing in the door to his office.

"But Sir the train-"

"Will not leave for another half hour, I'm sure Mr.Riddle can save you a seat." he interrupted sternly.

Esmeralda scowled at her father before giving her trunk to Lilah.

"It'll be in our compartment." Lilah muttered before walking off.

Esmeralda gave Tom a quick glance. They met eyes and shared a look. With a nod, Tom turned and lead the others away to the carriages that would trundle down to the train. Esmeralda watched them go with a strange sense of longing.

"In." Her father pointed.

Esmeralda rolled her eyes and made her way into her father's study, sitting in the arm chair opposite his rather full desk.

"What were you thinking Esmeralda?" Her father asked quietly as he shut the door.

"I don't know what you mean." She replied warily.

"You invited the boy to our home." Came the sharp reply.

"Ok enough." Esmeralda snarled, standing up she faced her father who was eyeing her from his position by the door.

"One, there is nothing wrong with Tom! Two, its not your house and three, why do you even care?"

Her father sighed and crossed his arms.

"He's dangerous Esmeralda."

"And I'm not?" she countered.

"He opened the camber of secrets."

"Stop accusing him of that. You have no proof whatsoever."

Dumbledore moved towards her, stopping when she took a step back.

"Please Esmeralda listen to me, he's dangerous, you could get hurt." he almost whispered.

"Isn't that what people said when you fell in love with my mum?"Esmeralda hissed.

A funny look flew across his face that vanished before Esmeralda could decipher it.

"I'm just... trying to protect you."he mumbled.

Esmeralda snapped.

"Oh really," she yelled, her anger spurring her on-wards, " Where were you when my mother and I were sold into slavery? Where were you when I wished every night for you to come and save us? Where were you when mother died?"

Dumbledore stared at her, his blue eyes wide with tears.

"You weren't there! You were never there! You've never been there to protect me and its a bit late to start now."

"Esmeralda I-"

"I don't want to know..." she mumbled, her anger being rapidly replaced with sadness, "Have a good Christmas father."

Without looking at him once she barged past him and flung open the door. Slamming it behind her, Esmeralda walked without taking in where she was going. She blinked, desperately trying to stop the tears that were threatening to fall.

All those times as a child she had wished for her dad to come save her. For him to be kind and loving and caring...

But Esmeralda was starting to realize that that would never be. He had come too late, too late to save her mother and too late to save her from herself.

Stop running from me (A Tom Riddle Story)Where stories live. Discover now