The Christmas Ball (Part 2)

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She met his gaze, "It told me dear little Pippin is fatally allergic to the pollen of white Lilies."

The smirk that sat on her face made Tom grin.

"Let's hope he doesn't accidently have some at the New Year's ball then." 

Esmeralda smiled at Tom's words. She loved the fact he was so in-sync with her way of thinking. She never thought that she would ever find someone who was like her. So dark and mysterious. His finger lifted her chin and their eyes met. She knew he was fascinated by hers but in truth she was becoming more fascinated by his. 

When she had first set eyes on him, his eyes held secrets. But the more she looked, the more she was now able to read him. His eyes were dark, like a forest at sunset; the green of the leaves clinging to the very last bits of light they could.  Gold specks flew amongst the green, creating a strange starry sky within his gaze.

"Esmeralda! Tom m'boy!"

They stepped apart instantly, and both turned to see Slughorn walking to them with Philip in tow.

"Professor, Philip." Tom inclined his head.

"Philip has just been telling me how you two have spent all your time together m'boy. Absolutely spiffing that..."

"I have had a wonderful time Sir. Philip has a rather spectacular house."

Slughorn clapped Tom on the shoulder. Hard. He stumbled slightly but managed to regain his balance. Esmeralda sighed. Slughorn was clearly drunk once again.

"No one's seen it m'boy," He boomed, "But that's all going to change in..."

He paused and counted on his fingers.

"Five days! Well Esmeralda I can't wait to see the castle! After all....

He trailed off as he looked at Esmeralda for the first time. 

"By Merlin's pants Esmeralda." He whispered, his eyes wide as he stared at her.

Esmeralda sent her godfather a quick look. Philip moved instantly reading her uncomfortable glance.

"Good heavens Sluggy, isn't that Spencer-Moon himself?" He said pointing to where the minister was on the other side of the room.

Slughorn's head whipped round so fast Esmeralda was worried that he might have broken his neck. Upon seeing the Minister, he cried out with joy and dragged Philip with him. Esmeralda giggled as Philip stumbled after him, struggling to remain on his feet. Tom rolled his eyes but he had a very small smile on his face.

"Ladies and Gentlemen."

The loud voice made the ballroom fall silent.

"It is that time of the night where the gentlemen must dance with a Lady they did not invite to the ball."

People moved instantly as Tom and Esmeralda shared a look of horror. Tom began to look around as Esmeralda felt a tap on her shoulder. Praying it wasn't Pippin, she turned and her mouth dropped.

"Potter." She whispered.

He bowed and held out his hand.

"A dance fair lady?"

Esmeralda sighed and nodded, knowing she couldn't tarnish his pride by refusing. She took his hand, and felt surprised when they fitted together. Fleamont spun her gently into hold as the orchestra began playing a sweet, gentle tune.

His hands were firm but gentle on her waist and hand. It almost seemed as though he were trying to make sure she was comfortable. She spotted Tom dancing with Grace over the far side of the hall, his eyes starting menacingly at Potter.

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