Sleepover Part 1

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~Aphmau's POV~

I arrived at the house and  knocked on the door, Cadenza invited me in and everyone was already here.

Aphmau - Hi everyone!

Everyone - Hey Aph!

I put down my bags and walk over to Kawaii~Chan, Cadenza, Nicole and Katelyn as soon as I approached I knew they were talking about the kiss.

Katelyn - What should we do?

Kawaii~Chan - Kawaii~Chan thinks we should tell everyone...

Nicole - I agree, but when?

I approach them but they don't notice me.

Aphmau - How about.... NEVER. You are NOT telling anyone about that kiss!!!

Katelyn smirked.

Katelyn - Darling, Aph, we would never dream of saying anything about the MAKE-OUT SESSION BETWEEN YOU AND LAURANCE!!!

She purposely said that last bit too loud and caught everyones attention but they all thought it was a joke.

Everyone - WHAT!?!?!

Aphmau - KATELYN YOUR DEAD!!!!!!!!

I started chasing her around the house as everyone laughed. Laurance walked downstairs just as I had jumped on Katelyns back and pinned her too the floor. Laurances eyes widened as everyone just stared at him.

Laurance - What did I miss???

Everyone laughed besides Garroth who seemed to be mad ever since Katelyn released the news about Laurance and I kissing. I guess Laurance was right about hi also liking me.

Cadenza - Okay lets start the games before Aph kills Katelyn. What game first??

Kenmur - TRUTH OR DARE!!!!

Everyone agreed and Cadenza went first.

Cadenza - Nicole, Truth OR DARE?

Nicole - Dare

Cadenza - Okay, I dare you to kiss Dante for 5 seconds.

Dante smirked and Nicole looked terrified, Kawaii~Chan seemed upset, everyone else laughed. Next was Nicoles turn, this could only go two ways, me or Laurance.

Nicole - Aphmau, Truth or Dare?

She said with a devilish grin, I looked at Laurance he knew EXACTLY what was going to happen.

Aphmau - D-dare?

Nicole - Are you sure?

Aphmau - Y-yeah

Nicole - Okay you have two choices, 1. Tell everyone what happened after school today after school with Laurance or 2. Go outside with no clothes on and knock on the door of your parents house singing 'A whole new world' from Aladin.

Aphmau - U-um c-can I change it to truth?

Nicole - So you and Laurance are hiding something??? Okay you can change it truth. What happened today after school with you and Laurance?

I looked over at Laurance he looked at me and then Garroth and then spoke up.

Laurance - OKAY! Well thats enough of that game! Let's watch a movie!

Nicole tried to argue but Laurance and I had already made popcorn and were on the couch starting the movie.

~Garroths POV~

I can't believe Laurance and Aphmau are hiding something! It fills me with anger to see the girl I cared about for 5 years and my best friend hiding something from me! I NEED TO FIND OUT WHAT!!!  As the movie starts I see Aph nestling up with...Laurance. After the movie we played spin the bottle and of course when Aphmau spins the bottle it lands on Laur- WAIT! It landed on me. Just off Laurance, Aphau looks disapointed, AM I REALLY THAT BAD!?!? I walk up to her and kiss her, the kiss has to go for 5 seconds in our game, I close my eyes but open them at around 3 seconds and notice her watching Laurance the entire part, she looks upset to be kissing me and I pull away, I didn't want her to be upset so I walked outside. Aphmau looks confused so does everyone else but Aphmau just walks back to Laurance and sits next to him. I shed a tear. THAT STUPID DUMB GIRL WOULD NEVER EVEN DESERVE SOMEONE AS GOOD AS ME!!!! I HATE HER BUT I LOVE HER!!! SHE WILL BE MINE!!! 

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