Triple Date

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~Aphmau's POV~

It's weird, Travis asked Laurance and I to go out on a triple-date with him and Katelyn... Since when did Katelyn like Travis?!?!?! The other couple is Garroth and Lucinda.... I'm not jealous I just.... didn't think they liked each other.... I look over at Laurance lying next to me.

Laurance - Hey, you okay?

Aphmau - Yeah its just.... since when did Garroth like Lucinda?

Laurance - Yeah thats bothering me too.... it's just weird...

Aphmau - Hmm.... well ima go get changed for the 'triple-date'

Laurance - K

I walk into my room and open my closet. I decide to go with a purple frilly singlet and jeans. I put on my heels and grab a purple purse.

Image at the top 

I leave my hair out and make a bow at the back. 

Laurance knocks on the door and I walk out

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Laurance knocks on the door and I walk out.

Laurance - Aph... You look amazing!

He hands me some flowers and a teddy bear

Aphmau - Aww thanks! But... what are these for?

Laurance - I thought you deserved something special!

I give him a kiss and we walk out the front to wait for everyone else.

~Time Skip to when Katelyn and Travis come out~

Katelyn - Aphmau! You look great!

Aphmau - Thanks! You too!

Katelyn - Haha! Soooo Garroth and Lucinda, huh?

Aphmau - I know! I never knew they liked each other!

??? - Me neither...

Katelyn and I turn and see Lucinda walking towards us.

Lucinda - Garroth dosen't like me, he's just doing this to make Aph Jealous...

Aphmau - How do you know?

Katelyn - Well, It does make sense for him to do that...

Aphmau -  I guess... But why? He knows i'm with Laurance why can't he just back off!

Lucinda - Yeah he reall-

Travis - Come on girls! Were leaving!

Katelyn - Let's get this over and done with then...

~Time skip to when they get to the resort restaurant~

We walk in and Laurance pulls out my chair and motions for me to sit down. Travis takes a hint and does the same, though Garroth just walks in and sits down.

The waiter comes up to us and asks what we want.

Laurance - Can I have the steak with mash patato and gravy?

Travis - Can I have the same?

Garroth - Me too..

Katelyn - Can I have the Chicken Pad Thai?

Lucinda - Umm.... Could I have the chips and potato with veggies?

Aphmau - And could I have the beef stir-fry?

Waiter - Is that all?

Travis - Yes Thankyou!

We sit and talk until our food comes then Travis asks Laurance and I a very uncomfortable question...

Travis - Hey do you guys remember that sleepover at Cadenza's at the start of the year?

Katelyn - Oh yeah! That was heaps of fun!

Travis - Soooo.... Aphmau, Laurance.... Why did Aph not want to answer her question in truth or dare.... I think it was.... What really happened after school on that day?

Aphmau - Oh! Nothing!

Laurance - Uhh! Yeah! Anyways we have to go! Aph and I are going to catch a movie! How much money do you want?

Travis - Hmmm.... Okay then... oh well... I'll pay I guess so see ya!

Aphmau - Baii! Good luck Katie!

Garroth - Wait Aph!

Aphmau - What do you want?

Garroth -  Never mind...

Laurance and I leave for the movie then walk back to the hotel. That was a fun night!

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