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~Aphmau's POV~

The plane just landed and I can't wait to stand up. As the Pilot says we can now unbuckle and get off the plane I jump up but my legs fail and Laurance catches me before I hit the ground.

Laurance - Heh... Looks like you really are FALLING for me!

Aphmau - Did you just steal a pun..........

Laurance - Uh oh....

I start chasing him off the plane as all our friends run after us laughing. Laurance is much faster than me so he was already off the plane as I was passing the first friend infront of us. But to be fair I had Katelyn trying to pull me back! As I run down the stairs I trip and someone catches me... I know it's noot Laurance because he's way ahead of me... I look up and see.... Garroth... I stand back up as Laurance starts walking over... before he gets there Garroth says something to me...

Garroth - Aphmau... I-I love you...

Aphmau - Uhhh... I- er... I'm with Laur-

Laurance - Whatcha talkin' bout?

Garroth - Nothing that concerns YOU...

Garroth gives Laurance the death stare and walks off...

I face Laurance...

Aphmau - Laurance... I'm scared....

Laurance - About what?

Aphmau - I-I dont trust Garroth.... I know he has feelings for me but....

Laurance - Aphmau.

Laurance's voice was serious. Whatever he is about to say is important.

Laurance - Do you have feelings for Garroth?

Aphmau - HOLY CUCUMBERS NO!!! Laurance... I love YOU... Laurance.. I'm Yours...

~Laurance's POV~

"Im Yours"

Those are the words I wanted to hear from her for the longest time. I trust her. Nothing will keep us apart...

~Garroth's POV~

He was my best friend.... my brother...and he betrayed me and my trust... I hate him.... I love Aphmau! Why dosen't she see that NO-ONE could love her more than me!!! I want her! I NEED HER!!! But, no! She chose Laurance!!! The stupid girl wouldn't know true love if it came and said "Hi I'm True Love," Why can't she see that i'm better for her than Laurance!!! If she dosen't want me now than what if I make her Jealous!!! Then she'll see how much she really loves ME!!!

That girl will be all over me and forgetting about Laurance... He is no longer my brother...

Hey Guys! I hope you all are enjoying the book! Thankyou so much I cant believe I've almost got 500 reads!!! It means alot that so many people are enjoying my fanfic! I love Laurance and Aphmau individually so when they are together it's like when you get a puppy for birthday and your entire family is their celebrating with you and your so happy!!!



Forever Yours - LaurmauWhere stories live. Discover now