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~Aphmau's POV~

I woke up to the sun shining on my face and a very uncomfortable back. Iturn and see Laurance is still asleep.

"Laurance wake up"

"Mhmm... 5 more minutes?"

I giggle and push him off me.

"Come on! Everyones probably worried about us!"

"Or.. They could be sleeping? Because you know thats what people do early in the morning"

I check my phone

"Laurance!!! It 1:30pm!!!"

Laurances eyes widen and he jumps up and checks the time on his phone.

"What but mine says 7.... APHMAU!!!!!!!!!!"

"Haha! Come on lets go!"

Laurance - "Fine"...

We start walking bck to the house and see everyone sitting in the living room, but they have't noticed us.

Katelyn - "What are we going to do? They've been gone all night!"

Aphmau - "I know I can't believe they're gone! I mean where the heck are they?"

Katelyn - "I fee -Wait... APHMAU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Everyone runs up and hugs me.

Laurance - "Ya know I'm here to"

Katelyn - "Do you want a punch in the face? First of all you kiss some other girl. Then you run away for th entire night AND you expect me to acknoledge your stupid exsistence? Seriously Aph? Can you believe this?"

Aphmau - "Yeah well he is going to pay for letting another girl kiss him, but..... that can wait."

Dante - "Well! Now that you guys are back! What are we gonna do?"

Kawaii~Chan - "WATER PARK!!!!!!!!!"

Lucinda - "I thought cats didn't like water?"

Kawaii~Chan - "KAWAII~CHAN IS NOT A CAT!!!!!! KAWAII~CHAN IS A MEIFWA!!!! There is a difference...

Garroth - "Okay well I cant I have to.... uhmm..... Feed my cat! Yes! Thats it! So see ya!

Lucinda - "Yea and uhmm... I have to go.... Help Garroth feed his cat!!! Bye!

Laurance - "Okay well is everyone else coming?"

Aphmau - "Oh umm actually... I'm feeling a bit... umm sick? So I probably shouldn't go..."

Dante - "Oh no! Thats horrible" He whispers something to Laurance and Laurance comes behind me.

Aphmau - "Oh god..."

Laurance - "Well lets go to the water park!!!" He picks me up and runs me over to the entrance....

Aphmau - "Worst. Boyfriend. EVER!! You suck!" I make a fake pouty face.

Laurance - "Yeah Yeah I know you love me" He smirks and kisses me.

Nicole, Kawaii~Chan and Cadenza - "AWWWWW!!!!!!!!!"

Katelyn - "Get a room!"

Everyone else just laughed.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been posting recently I've been super sick and I felt so useless... Anyways!  I will try to post more often but for now the new chapters will be coming very slowly! P.S I have no idea what to name the chapters anymore sooo yeah!

Thanks for understanding!



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