At Laurance's

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Yaaassssss!!!! School Is OVA!!!! I walk out and just as I am approaching the gate I see Laurance, I walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek.

Aphmau - Heyyy!

Laurance - Hey cutie!

Aphmau - Haha! Soooo~ Whatcha doin?

Laurance - I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house and hang out?

Aphmau - Sure!

Laurance - Cool! Let me just get my phone back from Dante.. Brb!

Aphmau - Kay!

I turn as I feel a tap on my shoulder. I see a guy wearing a red hoodie showing off his abbs. i know immediately who he is... Aa- My thoughts were interupted by Laurance running with his phone in the air.

Laurance - I got it Aph!

I look and wave to him as he approaches and slows into a walk.

Laurance - Hey Ap- Who is this?

He motions towards the guy.

Aphmau - Laurance this is... Aaron... My ex...

Laurance - O-oh... uhhhh.... hey

Aaron - Hi LAURANCEI'm Aaron, and I'M here to win Aphmau back!

Aphmau - Well Aaron thats not happening EVER! Besides i'm with Laurance now and your a big jerk.

I lean up and kiss Laurance. We walk off together and I look back and see Aaron there staring with his jaw dropped. As we get far enough away I burst into laughter. Laurance looks at me with a wierd look.

Laurance - A-Aph?

Aphmau - Hmm? Yeah Laurance?

Laurance - I-is that the same e-ex you were crying about at the beach?

Aphmau - Uhhh... Yeah... But it's not because I still like him or anything i-it's just the last time we spoke he.... kinda tried to k-kill me... a-and

I feel tears forming in my eyes as Laurance leans in to kiss me. He wipes away my tears and I hug him.

Laurance - As long as you're with me, I won't let anything bad happen to you.... I promise

He takes my hand and we walk back to his house together. 

~Time skip to When They Arrive at Laurance's House~

Laurance opens the door and we walk in. Guess what the first thing I see is? Cadenza and like 50 bags of shopping.

Laurance - Jeez, school finished literally half an hour ago, how did you have time to get all of these???

Cadenza - Haha! I have my ways! Oh! When did Aphmau get here?

Aphmau - Just then...

Cadenza - Haha! Okay well you two have fun! i have to unpack all these clothes!

As Cadenza runs upstairs Laurance and I walk over to the couch and sit down.

Laurance - Wanna watch a movie?

Aphmau - Sure!

Laurance walks over to the dvd player and puts on.... FROZEN YAAASSSS!!!!!

Laurance - I know its your favourite!

Aphmau - You don't mind?

Laurance - Nahhh! i've never seen it anyways!

He sits down next to me and I nestle up as we watch the movie. Half-way through the movie i hear... camera noises?   

Laurance - Aph? Do you hear that?

Aphmau - Uhhh... Yeah? What is it?

I turn around and see a few strands of orange hair at the top of the staircase.

Laurance - Cadenza! Stop taking photos!

Cadenza - Uhhhhh..... w-what do you mean? I wasn't taking any photo's of how cute you and Aphmau look together... haha...haha...heh...

i watch as Laurance gets up and chases Cadenza around the house. I burst out laughing as Laurance trips over a table.

Cadenza - Haha! Looks like mister athlete got tramped by his big sister. Don't go cryin about it to mum you clutz!

As Cadenza says that Laurance grabs her ankle and pulls her down too, this made me laugh even more which i thought was almost impossible!

Aphmau - Y-you guys! I-I cant even!


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