I'm Yours

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The music at the top is optional :p Anyways into the story :)

~Aphmau's POV~

After Laurances and Katelyns little 'Wake up call' I chased Laurance around until we found the ocean.... then he jumped in.  I didn't want to follow him in seeing as I was still in my Pajamas, lucky we had a sort of private beach infront of our place in the resort. So I walked back inside and got changed. As I walked down I went to find Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan to see if they wanted to do ome stuff together. I found them in their room with Katelyn holding a hot hair straightener and Kawaii~Chans hair in a knot...

Aphmau - KATELYN!!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!!!


Kawaii~Chan - Kawaii~Chan was just excited that you were dating again after Jeffory!!!

Katelyn - WE AREN'T DATING!!!!!

Kawaii~Chan - Then why'd you kiss him?

I looked at Katelyn's face, she was blushing ALOT!

Aphmau - Katelyn? Are you okay?

Katelyn - I-I-I'm f-f-f-fine just...uhhh....HOT! YES! I-IT'S V-VERY H-HOT!!!!

Aphmau - Oh no! Are you coming down with something? That's too bad! Well everyone has plans today except for you and Kawaii~Chan! Sooo I guess Kawaii~Chan will have to take care of you...And you know how that goes.

I whispered that last bit to her so Kawaii~Chan wouldn't hear and Katelyn immediately lost all colour in her face.

Katelyn - YOU KNOW WHAT! I FEEL SOOO MUCH BETTER!!!! Thanks Aph! Now did you want us for something or just because Kawaii~Chan was screaming?

Aphmau - Okay so... I thought today we could have... A girls day!!! What'd you think?

Katelyn - I think it's a great idea!

Kawaii~Chan - Kawaii~Chan is so excited! I definitely thiink we should do it! Good idea Aphmau~Senpai!!!

Aphmau - Haha! Great so I'm gonna go and get my purse and we can go!

Katelyn - Okay!

I walk into my room and grab my purse but as I am about to walk out the door I see something through the window... Laurance and this girl are...kissing!?! I didn't see who the girl was and I didn't want to know I just ran, I didn't know where I was going but I kept running.

~Laurance's POV~

I was out with Dante and Travis when this girl came up to me and kissed me! I was so confused until I saw who it was... Sasha. I tried to pull away but she put me against a wall, Dante and Travis were standing there confused until they pulled Sasha off me. I looked up and saw Aphmau running off crying. She looked back at me and we made eye contact.

Laurance - Oh God...

I ran after her calling out her name but she didn't stop. She went around a corner but when I got there she was gone.



"Aph? Please come back!"

I looked everywhere but she was gone. I walked around for hours until the sun was starting to set but I couldn't give up, I need to find her...

~Time Skip~

It's now midnight and I can't find her, My face is tear stained and my hair is a mess, I'm really worried... I continued to look until I went down a hill and saw a faint light as I got closer I heard muffled crying. I walk closer and saw a small cave. I walked in and saw Aphmau asleep, she must've been crying all night. I walked closer until I steped on a twig and woke her up.

~Aphmau's POV~

I heard a twig snap and it woke me up. As I opened my eyes I saw Laurance, I didn't want to talk to him right now... I brought my knees closer and buried my head in them.

"Aph, I know you're upset but please let me explain!"

"I don't want an explanation, I wan't the truth, who is she and why did she k-kiss you?"

"Aphmau, Her name is Sasha, she's my....Ex-Girlfriend... I don'tknow why she kissed me but I do know that I didn't kiss her. Aphmau, I love you only you, Aphmau your mine and I'm Yours"

I started crying again, but not because I was upset, but because I know that Laurance loves me, and I love him. We fell asleep together in that cave, but before I was completely out I muttered four words under my breath.

"I love you Laurance"

Hey guys! I will try to start posting more often I've just had so much stuff on and I am having a hard time transitioning. Hope you guys enjoyed this part! Thank You!

Baii <3


Forever Yours - LaurmauWhere stories live. Discover now