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~Aphmau's POV~

I wake up and turn my head to see Laurance staring at me, he looked.... worried

Laurance - Aph! Your awake!

He hugs me tightly, I feel safe in his arms, like nothing can hurt me.

Aphmau - What happened?

Garroth - Well after we Laurance ran off I followed him  only to see him pinned on the ground by the prince, so I knocked the prince out and Laurance carried you to the car then you fell asleep and now were here.

I felt the car stop.

Aphmau - Where are we?

Laurance - We're home, in Pheonix Drop.

I looked back up and realised I was still in Laurance's arms, I moved back a little and got out of the car, but my legs hadn't exactly woken up yet so I almost fell but Laurance caught me.

Aphmau - T-thanks

He smiled and picked me up bridal style and carried me inside, he kissed me on the cheek and then carefully placed me on the couch. Mum, dad, Levin and Malachi were all away in England but I didn't really want to go so I stayed here.

Laurance - Oh yeah I almost forgot!

Aphmau - What?

Laurance - Everyone is going to the beach tommorow do you want to come.

I smiled.

Aphmau - I would love to!

Laurance - Great! I'll come by at 10:00am to pick you up.

Aphmau - Sounds great!

He went to leave but I caught his arm.

Aphmau - L-Laurance?

Laurance - Yeah Aph?

Aphmau - Would you stay a bit longer?

Laurance - Of Course, Anything for you.

He leaned down and I felt our lips touch.

Laurance - A-Aphmau?

Aphmau - Yea Laurance?

Laurance - Would you go on a date with me after the beach?

Aphmau - I'd love to!

Laurance - Great! I'll see you tommorrow!

He jumped up and ran out. He looked so cute and excited when he did it, like a three year old told they were going to get Ice-cream. I couldn't help  laughing at the sight.

~Laurance's POV~

 "She said yes. SHE. SAID. YES. SHE SAID YES!!!! WOOO!!!!"I started yelling to myself forgetting Cadenza was downstairs.


Laurance - SORRY SIS!!!!

I can't wait to see her again tommorrow!

Forever Yours - LaurmauWhere stories live. Discover now