Morning Prank

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~Laurance's POV~

Katelyn and I walking into Aph's room to see if shes awake, if not i've got Katelyn to..... awaken her...

Katelyn - She's still asleep.... Time to put my plan into motion...

I hide Just outside of the room and wait for my signal as Katelyn puts on a 'freak-out' face and wakes up Aph.

Katelyn - Aph! Aph! Please wake up! It's really important!

Aphmau - What do you want? It's so early.... It's like.... 10:30...

Katelyn - A-Aphmau... I-I'm pregnant....

Aphmau - WHAT!?!?! WHE- WHO!?!?!?

Katelyn - T-Travis....

I walk into the room with a fake 'horrified' look.


Aphmau - ....

Katelyn - I-I uhhh... ummm

I hear someone walk in and turn around.... Travis.... Katelyn and I probably should have thought this through....

Travis - I could only hear apart of what you just yelled out Laurance but... KATELYN YOUR'E PREGNANT!?!?!? WHO IS THE FATHER!?!?!

Katelyn - Oh no....

By this time Aphmau is like freaking out completely and I can't help but laugh...

Travis - What are you laughing at?!?!?

By this time Katelyn is laughing to  and Aphmau and Travis look so confused

Laurance - Haha! Should we tell em'

Katelyn - Yeah... I think we've gone far enough...

Travis - Wud?

Laurance - It was just a prank to wake Aphmau up quickly... you weren't supposed to come in...


Aphmau gets up and starts chasing me around the room. She's so cute!

Hi guys! Sorry for a short chapter! My life has been very hectic lately! I won't be coming out with the new book for a while as I am having a bit of writers block and highschool is not treating me well :(



Forever Yours - LaurmauWhere stories live. Discover now