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~Aphmau's POV~




Ugh... Is it morning already! 

Savvanah - Aphmau! Come down I need to talk to you!

Aphmau - Coming Mum!

Yesterday after an hour or two at Laurance's I came home and Mum said she needed to talk to me about something... important.

I hurry to get downstairs and see Mum sitting on the couch, she motions for me to sit down.

Aphmau - What did you want to talk about?

Savvanah - Ummm.... So Aphmau I know your enjoying it here and all but... uhhh.... we have to move...

Aphmau - WHAT!?!?! WHERE!?!?!?

Savvanah - To Scaleswind City........

Aphmau - But Mum thats like 4 hours from here! I wont see my friends!

Savvanah - That's what I wanted to talk to you about. You can stay here.... but.... You have to either find someone who will look after you or get a job and move into your own house....

Aphmau - So I would be leaving you?

Tears form in my mums eyes and I feel them forming in my eyes too. I hug her and softly cry.

Savvanah - You have a day to decide.... I'm sorry this has too happen....

I run up to my room and lean against the door falling to the floor. I reach for my phone. i'm gonna text Katelyn...

Text Started

A - Katelyn? You there?

K - Yeah.. Whats Up?

A - I-I might be moving.... to Scaleswind

K - WHAT!?!?! But we won't see you if you live there!!!

A - I-I know but I can... stay here if I move to another house.... by myself

K - Aph! I'm so sorry! I might be able to help you though!

A - Really? How!

K - There's house on MyStreet for sale you could move onto!

A - I've heard about it but it's 3 bedroom and so much money!

K - Weeellllll.... I could move in with you!

A - R-Really!

K - Yeah! My dad's thinking about moving in with hi new girlfriend but he can't take me sooooooo It's the perfect solution!

A - That sounds like a great plan!

K - The only thing though is it might still be a bit too much money.....

A - We could get another roomate....

K - I know EXACTLY the person!!!!

A - WHO!?!?!

K - Kawaii~Chan!

A - Really!?!?! I thought you and KC didn't get on too well???

K - Yeah but she is soooo good at baking!!!!!

A - Haha! That makes more sense! Okay I'll ask her!

K - YAY!!! I'm so excited!!!!

A - Haha! I've never seen this side of you!

K - Shut up!

A - I've got to go so see ya at school!

K - Bye!

Text Ended

I'm moving in with Katelyn~ YAY!!!

I grab a purple top and a white snow jacket and put on some jeans and my ugg boots. Suddenly it's gotten reeaaaalllly cold so I guess it's true.... Winter is coming... :(

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