The Date

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~Aphmau's POV~

After the beach I go home to get ready for my date.

Aphmau - Hey Mum! Where are Levin and Malachi?

Aphmau's Mum - There at some friends houses, Alexis and Lillith I think were the names.

Aphmau - Oh okay!

Aphmau's Mum - Where are you going?

Aphmau - On a date!

Aphmau's Mum - With who?

Aphmau - Laurance!

I run upstairs to my room and go through outfits.

I pick out a purple frilly top and white denim shorts and put my hair up in a half-braided high ponytail ith a purple bow and some white sandals, I apply some mascara and lip gloss.

(The date is a day date so I went casual looks rather than fancy)

~Picture at the Top~

I hear a car and walk downstairs I see Laurance and walk up to hug him.

Aphmau - Hey Laurance!

Laurance - Aph! You look great!

Aphmau - Heh, you dont look too bad yourself!

I hop into the car and we start driving.

When the car stops I look and see were at a restaurant, a little maid cafe to be exact.

Laurance walks around and opens my door and I take his hand as we walk in.

Waiter - Hi how can Kawaii~cha- Aphmau~Senpai! Laurance~Kun!?!? IS THIS A DATE!?!?!

Laurance - Uhhh.... Since when did you work here?

Kawaii~Chan - Oh I volunteer not work! Anyway here is your table!

Kawaii~Chan walks out and we sit down. A while later a waiter comes with food.

Aphmau - I don't remember Ordering?

Laurance - Kawaii~Chan said something about a new auto-order so they know what every customer wants or something. I guess it works!

I look at the food and instantly start eating. Laurance and I talked until we couldn't talk anymore, Laurance paid after us having a small arguement of who should pay. We went to the park and I was so excited, Laurance is the best! He's smart....ish and even though he's a total jerk, he's the best jerk.

He drags me off and im in total awe as I stare at the most amasing light show, I look at Laurance and we stare into each others eyes, We both lean in and as our lips touch I hear fireworks in the backround, when we pull away we just stand there looking in each others eyes.

Laurance - Aphmau?

Aphmau - Y-yeah?

Laurance - W-will you be my girlfriend?

Aphmau - Y-yes! Of course!!!!!

He picks me up and spins me in his arms, when he puts me down our lips lock and I want to stay like this forever. I'm. His.

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