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~Aphmau's POV~

I wake up and realise i'm still in this castle-wedding-fiasco...

Aphmau - It wasn't just a dream, i'm still here....

??? - Oh, m'lady youre awake...

I look at the door to see that guard from earlier...

Aphmau - W-who are you?

??? - I am you're personal guard, my name is Logan.

Aphmau - L-logan?? Do you know a girl from Pheonix Drop named Donna, she said her boyfriend Logan lived in Eastern Wolf City...

Logan - D-donna? I haven't seen her in months.... I miss her...

Aphmau - I'm sorry

Logan - N-no it's fine...

I feel arms wrap around my waist, I look behind me hoping it was Laurance, but it was that jerk, Fenrir, I thought he was nice until he decided to try and kiss me after I said no he slapped me.

I elbow him in the stomach and put on my sweet voice.

Aphmau - Don't ever touch me again, I don't like you and CERTAINTELY DO NOT LOVE YOU!!!!

Fenrir - Well your gonna have to learn to since were getting married soon.

I walked out the room and out the front gates. I whisper to myself.

"How did I get out without being noticed by guards?"

I run away from the city as fast as I can, I reach a lake and sit down and grab my phone.


(L=Laurance A=Aphmau)

A- I don't know if I have much time, I got out of the city and am near a lake in the forest

L- Wait, we're all in the forest right now, I'm coming Aph!


I suddenly feel safer... Laurance is coming!

~Laurance's POV~

After the text I run in the direction to the city! Aphmau i'm coming!


I drop my phone and continue running.


I see a lake and a girl on the other side of it, Aphmau! But, there is another guy there, he leans in to kiss Aphmau against a tree, I can see her trying to get away, when she is finally free I see him slap her, It makes me angry, I run over and punch the guy in the face.

Laurance - No-one slaps MY girl!!!

I realise that this is the Prince, OH. CRAP.

Laurance - Y-your highness I-I am s-so sorry

I look at Aphmau she looks scared.

Laurance - A-actually I'm not, Aph is MY girlfriend and I look at her right now and she's scared, you dont deserve a girl like her.

Fenrir - OH, your her BOYFRIEND are you?

He pins me on the ground but suddenly he just.... falls aleep??? I see Garroth behind him.

Laurance - Thanks, dude.

I walk over and hug Aph, she falls asleep and I carry her back to everyone. We drive home but no-one questions anything about what happened, Oh well, the only thing that matters is Aph, because..... I love her. 

Forever Yours - LaurmauWhere stories live. Discover now