Pink Day!

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~Aphmau's POV~

It's Lunch now and Katelyn and I need to find Kawaii~Chan. We walk into the cafeteria and see..... pink?

The entire room is covered in pink!!! Pink balloons, pink table cloths, pink EVERYTHING! Even the lunch ladies are wearing pink aprons! I look at Katelyn and she has the same expression as me.

I see someone in the middle of everything...... I should of known...... Kawaii~Chan.....

I walk up too her and Katelyn follows behind.

Aphmau - Kawaii~Chan! What is this???

Kawaii~Chan - It's Kawaii~Chan's most favourite day EVA!!!!! It's PINK DAY!!!!

Katelyn - Not Again.... Please Kill me now!

Aphmau - Huh?

Someone comes up and hugs me from behind.

Laurance - Once a year Kawaii~Chan decorates the cafeteria so EVERYTHING is pink.

Cadenza - AND you might wanna run before she gets out the 'things'

Katelyn - Oh Crap! Don't remind her!!!!!

Kawaii~Chan - *GASP* Kawaii~Chan ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT THE COSTUMES!!!!!!!!!!

Aphmau - C-costumes? Oh god...

Kawaii~Chan pushes all the girls into the ladies room and the boys into the mens. She throws something over the stalls. Pink. Maid! COSTUMES!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Kawaii~Chan - Gurls! Hurry and get changed! Kawaii~Chan can't wait to see how good you look!!!

Aphmau - Cadenza!?!?! Katelyn!?!?!

Cadenza - Aphmau trust me. There is no way out of this. Just do it....

Katelyn - Uck!

I get changed into the costume and step out of the stall. I look in the mirror and it is soooooo short!!! Its a short pink dress with a white apron tied with a bow around the back.


She pulls me out and I see Cadenza and Katelyyn wearing the same thing as me only Cadenza's is green and Katelyn's is blue.


Cadenza - We didn't. I made these for us just incase last year but you weren't here so I couldn't make one for you.

Garroth - Hey Aphmau! You look... very.... pink....

Aphmau - Uhhh.... heyyyyy..... Kawaii~Chan.... Pink Day.......Maid Cos- Laurance!?!?!?!?!? What are you wearing??????

Laurance walks out wearing a PINK TUXEDO!!!! He looks so stupid!!!

Laurance - Me!?!?! What about you!

Aphmau - Touche....

I give him a kiss and walk back to Kawaii~Chan. Cadenza's talkin to nicole so I thought now would be a good time to ask.

Aphmau - Hey Kawaii~Chan! Katelyn and I want to sk you something!

Kawaii~Chan - Okay~

Aphmau - So katelyn and I are moving and we need another roomate... Would you want to move with us?


Katelyn and I both cover her mouth so she dosen't say anything else. But the hole school is already staring at us. 

Katelyn - ALRIGHT! Back to your own conversations!!!!!

I hold in my laughter as everyone else turns back.

Aphmau - Kawaii~Chan we dont exactly wantt everyone knowing were moving.... not yet.

Kawaii~Chan - Sorry...... but Kawaii~Chan would love to move in with Aphmau~Senpai and Katelyn~Sama!

Laurance - Aph? Your moving?

Aphmau - Uhhhhh..... yeah.............

I turn and face Laurance. He looks really confused.

Laurance - Where too?

Aphmau - Laurance can we talk about this later? Please?

Laurance - Fine. Im going to your place today after school then.

Aphmau - O-okay...

He walks away and I face the girls.

Katelyn - Good luck with him... Lets go to class!

Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan and I walk to class but all I could think about was my mum and Laurance.

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