The Beach

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~Aphmau's POV~

It's 7:00am which means i've got 3 hours to get ready, it sounds like alot of time, but it's not.

I find my purple bikini and put my short white and purple board-shorts on over the top. I tie my hair up in a bun and grap a bag to pack my towel. I check the time and it's already 9:55am. I hear a car out the front and see Laurance walking up to my door, I grab my bag and walk out.

Aphmau - Hi Laurance!

Laurance - Hey Aph!

I hug him and walk over to the car, I saw another car behind and realised it was Katelyns. I open the car door and see Garroth in the front passanger seat, Cadenza in the back and Lucinda in the middle, Everyone else is in Katelyns 7 seater. I sit down and Laurance starts the car.

~Time Skip To The Beach~

I feel the car stop and we all jump out of the car. The girls and I grab our towels and Cadenza grabs a Picnic Basket. We all set out our towels and I walk up to Laurance.

Laurance - Aphmau wanna go for a swim?

Im not really much of a swimmer so I declined.

Laurance - Okay I can respect that...

I turn to walk away but someone picks me up, I look over my shoulder and see Laurance with a giant smile on his face.

Laurance - You didn't think you were getting out of swimming that easily, did you?

Aphmau - Laurance! Put me down!

He starts running towards the water with me in his arms. Just before he let me go I thought of the only thing I could think of to make him not drop me into the water, so I kiss him.

~Laurance's POV~

When Aph kissed me I knew she was trying to make me not put her in the shallow water. So I didn't, I ran furtheer into the water and lightly placed her down.

Aphmau - Laurance!!!! She started whining.

Laurance - Heh, I know you don't like the water so I had to take you down in here.

I look at Aphmau and notice her staring at this guy wearing a red hoodie showing off his abbs.

Laurance - Aph are you okay?

Aphmau - I-im sorry Laurance

She runs off crying and I run off to her, she opens the car door and sits there crying. I open the door on the other side and sit next to her.

Laurance - A-Aph are you okay?

She looks up at me and kisses me, at first I was surprised but then I kissed back.

Laurance - Aphmau...

Aphmau - Laurance, please don't leave me....

Laurance - I would never leave you...

She lays her head on my chest.

Laurance - Aph?

Aphmau - Y-yeah?

Laurance - Who was that guy?

Aphmau - My Ex.... Aaron....

I hug her tightly and look up at where our friends are in the Ocean, I see Garroth glaring at me.

Aphmau opens the car door and pulls me out and runs to the Ocean we run in with the rest of our friends and enjoy the rest of the day. 

Forever Yours - LaurmauWhere stories live. Discover now