2. Scared

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Imagine meeting Kol for the first time and him scaring you

"Y/n, me and Elena will be back in a few hours. Don't let anyone in and don't touch my bourbon. Got it?" Damon said to you while walking towards the door
"I know, Damon. You say that everytime you leave." You said before sitting on the couch and putting headphones on.
"Stefan should be back in abou- y/n!! Are you even listening to me?" Damon said while ripping your headphones off of your head
"HEY WHAT THE HELL" You screamed. You were about to snap Damon's neck for doing that but when you turned around him and Elena were already out the door and your poor headphones were laying on the ground a few feet away from you.
"Dick." You whispered to yourself.

A few hours later
You've been binge watching American Horror Story season 2 for hours trying to figure out who Bloody Face is when all of sudden you hear someone pouring a glass of bourbon behind you but you thought it was Damon so you ignored it.

"Bloody face is Doctor Oliver Thredson." You heard a British voice say.

"Okay.. definitely not Damon" you whispered to yourself before turning around.

"You thought I was Damon? That's insulting."

"W..who are you?" You asked nervously

"Kol. Kol Mikaelson." He replied before slowly walking towards you.

A million things were going through your mind right now. You've met Klaus, Rebekah, and Elijah... but you didn't know there was another one. You knew how the Mikaelsons acted and they honestly scared you to death. Then you realized that he was probably there to kill you because you pissed Rebekah off.

You were officially freaking out. Hes an original and you're a weak 2 year old vampire, there's no way you were going to make it out of The Salvatore Boarding House alive.

"Why are you here..? You asked with a quiet and shaky voice.
"Don't worry darling, I'm not here to kill you. I need to speak with the younger Salvatore, Stefan."
Hes lying. You're going to die slowly and painfully. "He... he's not here" you replied
"I can promise you I'm not going to hurt you, stop being so scared. Yes I like to murder people but not pretty little things like you." He said to you while smirking and stepping closer to you.
"I'm not scared."
"Yes you are." Kol said back quickly.
"Are you scared?" Kol said to you while looking into your eyes.
"..yes" you said to him.
Damn it I forgot that Originals could compel other vampires, you thought.
"Told you." He said before smiling.
"Sorry love but I'm afraid I have to go, I hear my least favorite Salvatore and his doppelganger girlfriend coming. I'll definitely be seeing you later."
Before you could say anything back Kol was gone and Damon and Elena walked through the front door.
"Y/n were back" you heard Elena say while looking around for you.

Obviously, you thought.

Was this imagine good or bad? I don't have a lot of experience with writing imagines so I need your opinions!

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