12. Secret

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Imagine no one knowing that Kol's your boyfriend but they find out

You and Kol have been together for only two weeks, but there was a problem. You both had the same problem... just in different ways.

Kol wanted to go public about the relationship without a care in the world like a normal couple would do but you had a different opinion about the situation. You wanted everyone to know and everything be perfectly fine but that would never happen, all of your friends, excluding the Mikaelsons, hated Kol and wanted him dead.

Kol realized you were worrying a lot about the situation and helped you figure out the best way to approach them.


"Y/n, a little birdie told me that you're seeing someone."

That was the first thing you heard Damon Salvatore whisper as soon as you woke up. You knew he'd ask because it was all part of the plan but him saying that almost made you have an anxiety attack.

"Oh really, who told you that?" You questioned while raising your eyebrow. You were desperately trying to make it seem as if you were completely clueless and so far it was working.

"Doesn't matter. Is it true?" He walked over to you as Stefan was walking downstairs but you both ignored him.

"Maybe it is, why do you want to know?" You say, still trying to sound clueless.

"Is what true?" Stefan said calmly in the kitchen. Then Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie decided to show up, not that it was a surprise.

You rolled your eyes and groaned, "Why doesn't the whole town just come here?"

"Don't try to change the subject, just answer my question." Damon said being more serious than before. Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie all walked over to the both of you and sat down.

"Alright Damon fine, I am seeing someone. I have been for 2 weeks." You smiled innocently.

"Wait what? Who? And why am I just now hearing about this?" You looked over to see Caroline freaking out and offended that you didn't tell her yet.

"I'm not saying who." You smirked and walked into the kitchen with everyone following you.

"Oh come on tell us." Elena demanded.

You looked over to your right to see Stefan quietly laughing to himself while drinking a glass of bourbon but you ignored it.

"You'll meet him tonight at Tyler's party."

"It's Tyler isn't it!?" You heard Caroline yelling.

"Oh god no, he gets on my nerves."

"Well do we know them?" You heard Bonnie say confused.

"Oh yeah, you all do."

"Is it Matt?" Elena asked.

Part of you was nervous because they were trying to list off everyone they knew until they figured it out but the other part of you was annoyed because they were trying to list everyone. "Stop guessing and just wait until tonight."


Your heart was racing, any vampire in the room could hear it regardless of how many people were by you.

You arrived at Tyler's party almost thirty minutes ago with Caroline and Bonnie but lost them when you walked through the front door. You were now trying to find Kol and waiting for Stefan and Damon to get there.

You were walking upstairs when Klaus spotted you and rushed towards you, "y/n love, Kol has been trying to find you all night."

You didn't really know what he meant by all night, "I just got here thirty minutes ago... anyways where is he?"

Klaus hesitated before he answered you, probably because he didn't know where he was but then he smirked and made his was past you down the stairs, "Behind you."

You quickly turned around to see Kol staring at you with lustful eyes and quickly made your way down the stairs and Kol greeted you by pulling you into a hug and kissing your head, "Have I ever told you how gorgeous you are?"

You looked up and smiled, "At least once a day."

You were dreading what was about to happen but you'd rather do it now than later. You turned to face Kol but he smiled and said, "I'll be right back."

Coincidentally, everyone you were going to tell walked over to you and you sighed under your breath, "Damon, Stefan, you finally got here."

"Yeah, now where is your mystery boyfriend." Damon said while raising his eyebrows and smirking.

"Uhh..." Before you could finish your sentence, Kol walked in with the biggest grin on his face. You were now trying to mentally prepare yourself for what was about to happen but your mind couldn't process anything.

Kol stopped beside you and wrapped his arm around your waist while leaning down to kiss you.

Damon was holding a glass of bourbon but when he saw you and Kol kiss he broke it with his hand and marched over to the both of you. Kol acted quickly and sped in between you and Damon while sarcastically saying, "Lovely to see you again, Damon."

Everyone else in the room was completely shocked by what just happened... except Stefan.

"Stefan, you knew didn't you? That's why you were laughing in the kitchen this morning." You questioned.

"Yeah, I knew. You're lucky Damon wasn't home the other night when Kol brought you back home."

"So you knew and did absolutely nothing? Do you actually want her to be with this psycho?" Damon said, defending himself.

"Damon, get over it. I honestly don't see a problem.' You blurted out.

Damon stepped closer to you and sternly said, "We're leaving. Now." But a very annoyed Kol was tired of Damon.

He threw Damon against the closest wall and grabbed his hair, pulling his head all the way back, "You can either accept the fact that your little sister is madly in love with me or I can kill you." But before he could respond, Kol broke his neck, raised up, and smiled.

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