14. Possessive

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Requested by xLoveDovex

Imagine Kol being possessive and claiming you

The infamous Kol Mikaelson busted through the doors of the Mystic Grill very angrily, almost breaking everything he touched. "Trinity love, why didn't you tell me you were going out?"

You rolled your eyes and slowly looked over to face Kol who was staring at you like you were mentally insane. "I didn't know I had to." Not long after you said that you realized who Kol is seeing you with, Tyler Lockwood.

Tyler has been your closest friend ever since you moved to Mystic Falls which was thankfully way before Kol was resurrected, or else there's a very good chance he wouldn't be alive right now. Most people here don't care about Tyler or just don't like him at all but as he tells you, you're an exception to the hatred-fueled psychos in this town.

"You know my rules, you have to tell me where you're going and who with." Tyler looked at him half shocked and half upset because he was being so controlling over you.

"I'm sorry Tyler but do you mind if we reschedule this?" You looked at Kol and decided to bring out your sass because he was being idiotic, "Someone ruined my mood and won't leave me the hell alone." After saying that you grabbed your phone and starting walking out of the door with the clingy original behind you.

As soon as you stepped outside you turned around ready to face Kol and tell him to stop, again. But when you turned around he wasn't there and you took that as an opportunity to have alone time and walked home.

Instead, Kol sat down next to Tyler and stared at him with a psychotic smile while holding his hands together. "I'm going to tell you nicely just this once, leave Trinity alone or I'll kill you."

"What the hell is your definition of nice? And no I won't leave her alone she's my friend."

Kol's psychotic smile grew even wider, "You wolves are so aggressive and piss people off so easily, that's probably why you're almost extinct."

Tyler being Tyler couldn't control himself very well and grabbed Kol's neck and attempted to throw him on the ground but Kol is stronger and faster so he grabbed Tyler's hand and bent it all the way back so his fingers touched the top of his wrist.

"Trinity is mine, not yours."


Fifteen minutes after Kol interrupted you and Tyler, you finally made it back home. Only to see Kol sitting on your bed clearly upset.

"I don't want to be around you right now." You say sternly while setting your bag down on the floor.

"And I don't want you to be around Tyler anymore."

You rolled your eyes because this is such a constant thing between the both of you it's never ending. "Okay fine be jealous but I'm going to hang out with Tyler if I want to, get over it."

Kol slowly stood up and looked away from you, "Fine." but then pushed you up against the wall forcefully with his hands on each side of you so you couldn't leave. "I've tried to refrain from killing him so I wouldn't upset you but I don't care anymore. You can either stay away from him or he's going to have the fight of his life which will only result in his heart being crushed in my hand."

You were internally freaking out and physically shaking but you want Kol to stop being so over protective, "Why are you so obsessed with me?"

Kol's eyes grew wider but he also started to slowly loosen his grasp on the wall. You expected him to say something because he usually gets the last word but within seconds he was gone.


Four months ago. 122 days.
That's when you first met Kol, at the Mikaelson's house. You were never close with any of the Mikaelson's, the only reason you were there was because you made the mistake of upsetting Rebekah, so she kidnapped you only to torture you.

That's when he showed up. Not even twenty four hours into your painful torture. He walked in on Rebekah ready to slit your throat open but when she turned around annoyed and ready to kill anyone or anything that interrupts her, he stopped smirking and stared at you lustfully.

In the moment, you thought he was extremely attractive. Even more so after he snapped Rebekah's neck, unchained you from whatever the hell Rebekah chained you to, and carried you up to his room.

There, he gave you blood so you could regain energy and let you take a shower. He even gave you his clothes to wear. He was perfect the first day you met him, your prince charming.

Sadly like everything in your life, it was too good to be true.

He began to call you multiple times a day which isn't terrible but then he kept following you everywhere and acted like it was just a coincidence. He constantly got upset when you hung out with friends instead of him, especially if it was a guy. He gets jealous extremely easily, for example one time he broke several bones in Damon's body just because he winked at you when you complimented his hair.

It only got worse from there. Constant texts. Following you everywhere. Never leaving you alone. You eventually convinced yourself that he snuck in your room at night while you were sleeping because you woke up to things out of place and your door open, you've just never caught him.

Now here you are. Stuck with a clingy psycho original vampire that's completely obsessed with you.

Hours later after the incident of him pushing you against the wall he decided to come back. Only this time he surprisingly knocked on your front door instead of walking in like he lived there.

You opened the door expecting it to be Caroline or another friend but nope. You opened the door only to face Kol with one hand holding on the doorframe.

You both stood there for a few seconds and after earlier you definitely weren't talking first. Finally he looked up at you completely different than his regular facial expressions around you, he looked like he was heart broken and just finished crying, "Can I come in, please?"

If he was being his normal self you would've never even kept the door open for more than two seconds but he seemed so upset so you did what any decent person would do and let him in.

He slowly walked in and finally looked up at you, "The day we met... it could've went so well from there but I had to go and ruin everything. I'm so sorry darling." He walked up to you, looked into your eyes, and said "Forget we ever met Trinity, I want to start over. I want us to be together."

In the blink of an eye he was gone and all you could think about was how much he really did like you and since he was willing to change you would definitely give it a shot.

You just couldn't let him know you haven't went a day without drinking vervain.

Kol Mikaelson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now