7. Problematic - part 2

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"I'll find her myself then."

Kai was now internally raging and would definitely kill anyone that even tried to talk to him. He knew he had strong feelings for y/n but he wasn't familiar with the feeling at all so he didn't know how to approach them.

While Kai was freaking out he thought about using a locator spell to find the White Oak Stake and drive it through Kol's heart but that's exactly what made him remember that all he had to do was use the note y/n had written and do a locator spell to find her.

"..Bloody hell." Kol murmured after finally regaining consciousness.

Kai was still upset and wanted to kill Kol so he ignored him and started walking out of the door.

Kai was only a few feet away from the door before Kol wanted payback. He vamp sped up to Kai and grabbed his black shirt and pushed him against the wall. Kol expected Kai to beg for him to let him go but all he did was laugh.

As Kai made Kol even more pissed, Kol realized something. Since y/n doesn't want to see them he could always switch bodies, make her turn her humanity back on, then have her all to himself. Now all he needed to do was find a powerful witch to do the spell.

"As much as I want to kill you, I have a better ide-

"Let me guess, you want me to switch your body with someone else so you can make y/n turn her humanity back on and then confess your love to her. That is a good idea I'll admit that, but there's one problem."

"What?" Kol asked confused

"I like her too." Kai said confidently

"I could always kill you and- sorry I mean we could always fight to the death to see which one of us gets her." Kol said before letting go of Kai.

"Fine but I'm warning you. I always win."

Before they began to violently murder each other, Stefan walked in after hearing the whole conversation.

"As much as I would love for one of you to die I have a better idea. Y/n obviously has strong feelings for the both of you so all you have to do is a locator spell to find her of course, then only one of you go up to her and mess with her emotions a little so that she's vulnerable, then you need to get her alone and that's when the other one of you really mess with her so she actually turns her humanity back on."

"That's actually not a bad idea, thanks Stefan. I always knew you were the smarter brother." Kai said while grabbing the note to perform the locator spell.

A few minutes later, Kai finally finished finding out where y/n was, and it wasn't very far at all.

"Wait I thought she said she was leaving Mystic Falls.." Stefan said confused

"Well apparently not. Smart move though, making us think she's no where near us but she's actually only 30 minutes away." Kai responded.

After going over their plan in detail a few times for about an hour, Kai and Kol went to go find you at a hotel.

Kol tried to be a gentleman by knocking on the door but Kai was very impatient and used magic to open it.

When the door finally opened, he pushed Kol backwards into a stranger's car and ran in. Hotel rooms aren't exactly big so he found you within ten seconds, you were asleep on the bed with Supernatural on tv. When he saw you sleeping he couldn't help but stand in the doorway and stare at you while smiling. He wanted you to be all his.

After a few seconds of staring at you, he heard Kol getting up and decided to cloak the both of you from him, no matter how mad it makes him.

After you were both cloaked, Kol ran in. "Just because you're cloaked doesn't mean I still can't hurt you. I just have to find you first."

Kai realized he can and will destroy this hotel room to find you and he didn't want to risk Kol accidentally hurting you so he woke you up and told you to run.

"Kai what the hell are you doing here? How did you find me?" Although you just woke up, seeing Kai made you fully awake and not tired at all.

"Kol and I.. we read your note and came here to get you."

"But how did you find me?"

"Sweetheart did you really just ask me that?"

Kol walked outside where the both of you were and looked around. "Come on Kai I know you're out here. If you uncloak yourselves now I'll try to make your death painless."

"Oh great he's here too. Can you both just go I was perfectly fine without the both of you here." You looked like you were about to cry.

"Wait a sec... your humanity-"

"Is still on yeah I know but please just go."

"No gonna happen princess. I'm not losing you again."

Kai was very jealous right now. He only recently found out that you liked not only him, but Kol too. He didn't know how to make you choose him over Kol so he did what he saw in the movies.

Kai gently grabbed your face and leaned down to you. Your heart was beating a hundred times a second, you've been wanted to kiss Kai for the longest time but unfortunately, the feelings Kai was experiencing right now distracted him too much and uncloaked the both of you.

"Ah, there you are, hello darling."

Kai got up and used magic to slam Kol onto the ground but he immediately got back up and attacked him. "Really? This was my favorite shirt." Kai said annoyed.

Before Kai could rip Kol's heart out, Kol grabbed his throat tightly while smirking.

"Kol let him go! Will the both of you stop? God seeing the both of you like this is really making me see how much of an ass the two of you are."

Kol listened to you and let go of Kai.

You pulled out your phone and called your best friend, Stefan, to come pick you up.


"Kai stop. Just because we almost kissed doesn't mean I still want to be with you."

"You're not mad at me, are you love?"

"I'm especially mad at you."

Seeing the both of them almost murder each other made you realize how dangerous and psychotic they actually are, and you didn't like that at all.

"Wow." You said outloud while laughing.

"What's wrong?" Kai asked while him and Kol looked over to you concerned.

"I should have let you two kill each other a long time ago."

You quickly run out the door brushing past Kol and Kai. You heard them behind you walking towards you.

"Stop." You turn around to face them. "I don't want to be with either of you. Maybe if you both stop using violence as your solution to everything.... Kai you need to have more emotions than just for me. And Kol you need to stop thinking you're so entitled. You're both killers."

Now the rest is up to you (; if I'm being honest I would choose Kai over Kol any day but... this is a book about Kol lol.

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