6. Problematic

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Warning: This will involve the reader having feelings for Kai and Kol. So if you don't like Kai then I'm sorrynotsorry bye.

Imagine having feelings for Kai and Kol but you don't want to

"No no no no no this is not happening she's... she's fine." Kai said while pacing around and holding his head.

"No she's not, Kai, she's gone. Get that through your annoying pathetic little head." Kol yelled at Kai while throwing him against the wall a few feet away from him.

*One day earlier*

You've known Kol longer than you've known Kai. You met Kol a little over a year ago after your psychotic yet cute best friend, Klaus, introduced you two and you instantly fell for him.

Then he happened. Malachai Parker. The sociopath that didn't know when to shut up.

You also, sadly fell for him instantly when you met him at the Salvatores' house almost 3 months ago.

You didn't know how and you didn't know why but you now have very strong feelings for Kai and Kol which you did not want. You could barely handle liking Kol then that psychowitch decided to show up and unknowingly toy with your emotions aswell. And now here you are, still desperately wanting one of them to be yours always and forever.

"Darling I don't know what thoughts are running through that pretty little head of yours but you need to relax."

Everytime Kol calls you darling you melt inside. You used to think he actually liked you when he called you that.. then you caught him saying it to other girls and constantly flirting with every female he comes in contact with so you got more and more upset at yourself for liking him.

Right now you weren't in the mood for Kol to accidentally make you fall for him even more so you decided to lie and hope he leaves you alone. "Kol I'm fine, I promise. "

"Are you forgetting that I'm an original? I know you're lying, y/n, all I have to do is com-"
"I smell chocolate cupcakes."

To make matters worse, Kai showed up and interrupted Kol, which you weren't exactly complaining about because you didn't want to be compelled by him.

Kol made a disgusted face before turning to face Kai. "How did you get in here?"

"The front door dumbass, how else? Oh hey y/n."

Damm it they need to stop talking to me I want to get over them as soon as possible before I lose my mind, you thought. "..Hey Kai."

Kai grabbed one of the many cupcakes a few inches away from you and looked back to face you while making that smirk and sitting down next to Kol.

"So y/n, how have you been? By the way these cupcakes are really good I mean I'd rather have something besides chocolate frosting but this is still pretty good." There he goes again. Saying literally anything that pops up in his mind without hesitating.

"Leave her alone is it not obvious you get on everyo- I mean her nerves." Kol said while glaring at Kai.

I mean yeah Kai can be pretty annoying at times but it's unintentional. He's so misunderstood, his judgemental family hated the way he was which made him snap one day and kill his siblings. What he did was horrible but if you think about it... was it really his fault? Not to mention the fact that him being a sociopath is also their fault. They made him feel like shit every single day and locked him in a damn prison world for almost 20 years (which was meant to be forever) without any human contact whatsoever, he even tried to commit suicide a countless amount of times in a countless amount of ways.

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