13. Displeased

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Imagine Kol making you extremely annoyed and mad

You were quietly and anxiously sitting on The Mikaelson's couch bored out of your mind and wanting something interesting to happen. Today was one of those days where everything you do in your normal daily routine seemed so pointless and not entertaining enough.

You slowly got up after sitting for what seemed like hours, layed your phone down, and walked into the kitchen to grab something to drink but when you stepped inside the living room to resume your previous uncomfortable position on the couch, your phone wasn't there.

Before you started to freak out and tear the house down trying to find it, you heard someone behind you blurt out, "Missing something, darling?"

You spun around quickly and sighed while crossing your arms, "Give me my phone back."

"Okay." He smirked and put his hand out but when you tried to grab it, he moved back, "I'll give it back if you kiss me."

You felt your heart skip a beat but you weren't going to kiss him for your phone so you had the bright idea, as a weak and young vampire, to push an original. It surprisingly worked and you got your phone but you were immediately thrown on the couch next to you and Kol got on top of you.

"You have an odd way of flirting with me." He whispered into your ear, making you bite your lip. "Nik needs me right now love, but I'll be back later." And in the blink of an eye, he was gone.

You stayed on the couch in the same position Kol put you in for a few seconds completely shocked at what he had just done. He's always been very flirtatious with you but he's never done anything like... that before.


Several hours later you found yourself half asleep in your bed upstairs. The only reason you haven't already fallen asleep yet is because you left your tv on.

You were extremely tired so you didn't quite notice when your tv mysteriously went off, you just fell asleep.

It was now 8:30 pm and you still couldn't wake yourself up enough to get out of bed.

"Wake up already y/n, I need entertainment."

You rolled your eyes and turned over to face him, "You're an a thousand year old original vampire and you want me to entertain you? Out of everything and everyone, me?"

"Well I suppose I could find someone else to end my boredom..."

You turned back over so you could go back to sleep you were quickly turned over on your back and had your arms pinned above your head, "Darling we're the only ones here right now so the only person that can keep me occupied from going on a killing spree in this silly little town is you."

Usually you would be completely shocked and overwhelmed at Kol's actions but right now you just wanted to sleep and get away from him.

But he wouldn't let you.

"Kol please get off of me I just want to sleep."

"Fine, have it your way."

You should've known better than to trust that he would actually leave you alone and let you sleep because 5 minutes later the original started blasting music downstairs.

On a normal day, you could deal with him. But right now you were not going to put up with his shit.

You rolled your eyes and quickly sped up from your bed and ripped a piece of wood off of the bed frame and then made your way downstairs to face the hot- but sarcastic psycho original vampire.

Kol was smarter than you by a long shot so before you even starting walking downstairs, he had heard you destroying the expensive bed frame that his hybrid brother "bought".

"Y/n, lovely to see you wide awake again." you heard Kol say with his back facing you.

Unable to clearly think about what you were about to do due to tiredness, you ran behind Kol and swung.

This made you more self aware of the situation you just got yourself into because when you tried stabbing him, he wasn't even there.

Before you could turn around to find him, he ran up to you and snapped your neck.

Although he just temporarily killed you he carried you back upstairs, bridal style, and then put you down on the bed with a blanket over you. In your mind that's the nicest thing he's ever done for you but thanks to your snapped neck and Kol being Kol, you'll never really know what happened.

After Kol put you down on the bed and covered you up with a thick crimson blanket, he sat himself down next to you with one arm gently moving your hair away from your face and the other rested on his leg.
In that moment, the pure goodness came out in Kol, of course when no one could witness it.

He slowly kissed your forehead and whispered, "Sorry for being a complete ass, I've never quite figured out how to act around breathtakingly beautiful girls such as you."

When you woke up all you thought was Kol snapped your neck and brought you upstairs, nothing more and nothing less. You'll never really figure out what happened while you were unconscious and you could never guess it either. A psychotic original kissing your forehead and apologizing for being rude was definitely the last thing you would ever imagine him doing.

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