10. Attacked

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Imagine that Klaus bites you out of anger but the only kind of blood you can drink is from a witch or Kol's

Today was like any other day that you were with The Mikaelsons, except the only ones that were home were you and Klaus. And there were also at least 15 dead vampires, werewolves, and witches less than 4 feet away from you at the kitchen table because they tried to double cross Klaus. And not to mention the fact that Bonnie was tied up to a chair unconscious in the living room because she snapped Klaus' neck.

Okay nevermind today was the exact opposite of a normal day.

"Hey Nik do you feel any better?" You asked nervously.

Klaus looked at you blankly from the couch in the other room while tapping his foot, "I don't quite know what you mean love, I always feel like this."

Well he wasn't wrong. Since you actually cared about Klaus' well-being, you grabbed a wet rag and tried to wipe the blood off of his face but he grabbed your hand before you got a chance, "Do not touch me." He commanded "Unless you want to end up bleeding out on the floor aswell."

You rolled your eyes at his response, "Stop being so stubborn." You resumed what you were doing and tried to wipe the blood away but this time he grabbed your neck forcefully and bit you for what seemed like hours but it was only 5 seconds.

"...Klaus." You whispered out while holding your neck and standing up to back away.

You expected Nik to continue what he was doing and leave you alone but he was surprisingly concerned,  "I'm so sorry I was still upset and didn't think before I did that."

He bit down on his wrist and shoved it in your mouth but you didn't move.
"Damn it drink my blood or I'll never hear the end of this when Kol finds out."

"It won't work..." you said on the verge of tears.

He looked confused but before he could respond you said, "A few years after I became a vampire I had a friend who was practicing a spell while I was in the room with Kol but  something went wrong and the spell affected me for the most part and Kol a little... the only kind of blood I can drink is from a witch or Kol."

"At least try-

"I did, Klaus. It won't work. I'm going to die and there's nothing anyone can do about it."

Kol finally got back only to see you and his older brother sitting face to face on the floor while he was holding your neck.

"Care to explain yourselves?" Kol asked while making a sarcastic smile.

Klaus got up as quick as he could and then you both stared at Kol without saying a word.

Kol automatically assumed the worst and thought you were cheating on him, "Out of everyone I've ever been with I certainly did not expect you to be the one to truly break my heart... especially with my older brother."

It took you a few seconds to realize he thought you were with Klaus, "Oh my god Kol I'm not with Klaus I just- um" Before you could finish the sentence you started to cry.

Your over protective boyfriend attempted to step closer to you but Klaus blocked him, "What did you do to her?"

"You can already tell by the scenery on the walls and floor that I've made quiet the mess because some former allies deeply upset me by trying to kill me- and in the process I accidentally bit y/n."

Klaus slowly backed away while keeping his eyes on Kol but all he did was push him to the side and run over to you.

"I'll find a way to fix you I promise. I'm not going to let you die." Kol cried out.

You looked back to ask Klaus how long it would be before the hallucinations started but he was long gone.

Then Bonnie woke up.

"Wow I can't believe you haven't realized it yet." Bonnie said while laughing uncontrollably.

"What are you talking about?" You questioned

"You'll find out soon."

"Okay come on princess let's get you off of this uncomfortable floor." Kol said while smiling sadly.

"That's new... you've never called me princess before." You said happily
"Too bad you'll only be able to call me that for a few days.."

You looked at Kol and remembered something "Wait a sec-

You woke up crying in your bed while a dark figure was sitting next to you but you couldn't tell who it was.
"Who are you?"

"Come on princess don't tell me you still haven't figured it out." Said a familiar voice.

"...Kai why the hell would you mess with my head like that?!"

"I was bored."

Suddenly Kol burst through the door and yelled "Didn't I tell you that next time I saw you, I'd kill you?"

"Well that's my cue to leave. Sorry for messing with your head so much princess, just wanted to see what you'd do." He said before winking at you and leaving.

"What did he do to you? Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"Kol calm down." You said while laughing "I'm perfectly fine."

Kol took his shirt off and layed down next to you while putting his arms around you tightly, "I don't what happened darling but it's midnight and I know you're still tired so tell me in the morning."

Okay I was really happy with the beginning of this but then I got kinda tipsy last night loololololooloops and wrote the rest of it AND I'M SORRY I KEEP PUTTING KAI IN IT I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUCH AND DONT FEEL LIKE MAKING AN IMAGINE BOOK ABOUT HIM

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