8. Jealous

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Imagine flirting with Enzo to make Kol jealous even though you aren't together

Yes, it's true. You fell for the Kol Mikaelson. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't shake the feelings you had for him. Thankfully, these feelings weren't consuming you and making you depressed but you still really liked him and wanted to be with him more than anything else.

To distract yourself so that you get over Kol as soon as possible, you started to hang out with your best friend, Enzo, a lot more than usual.
Your friendship with Enzo makes it looks like you two are actually a couple, but you're far from it. You're constantly jumping on his back, hugging each other, watching movies together, and pretty much doing everything together. Since you two are so close, that also means you know pretty much everything about each other. Just like you know he has a massive crush on Bonnie and he knows that you have a massive crush on the youngest Mikaelson.

Now here we are on a regular day, you were laying on Enzo's chest while watching Bates Motel. Then, Kol walked in and made your normal day, not so normal.

"Enzo have you see- wow I didn't know you two were together."

"Oh we're not. What did you want?" Enzo questioned.

Kol clenched his jaw and said "Nevermind." In a stern voice before walking out of the front door and slamming it shut.

You were very confused at what just happened but apparently, Enzo, knew exactly what happened. He chuckled which made you question why he did.

"Oh come on gorgeous, is it not obvious enough?" You made a confused face and a few seconds later he responded, "He's jealous. And that is why you're going to make him even more jealous than he already is so that he admits his feelings to you."

"Enzo I-

"Just trust me on this. But in return you have to make Bonnie like me."

"You can't just make- nevermind, how exactly am I going to make him jealous anyways?"

"By doing exactly what we're doing right now, acting like a couple. Although I did tell him that we're not together, I know for a fact he doesn't believe me. He's too stubborn, just like you."

The next day

While you were in the kitchen making something to drink, Enzo walked in and informed you that Kol and Klaus were about to walk in.

"Enzo I'm not so sure this is a good idea.."

Enzo came up to you and hugged you from behind right before the two Mikaelsons walked in.

"Just trust me." Enzo whispered into your ear.

When they walked in, it became obvious to you that Kol really was jealous. His face when he walked in was normal and fine but the second he looked over and saw Enzo all over you, he stopped dead in his tracks and stared while looking very pissed.

Enzo realized that his plan was working and finally let go of you. He then walked over to Kol and started a conversation by asking if he wanted anything to drink. While that was happening, Klaus came over and stood next to you and whispered "I know what you're doing, love. It's a good plan, really. Just make sure not to make Kol too mad or he'll most definitely kill Enzo."

After that was said, he walked away leaving you worried on what to do.

"Y/n, come here gorgeous." Enzo said in the middle if a conversation with Kol.

When you walked over there, Enzo grabbed the sides of your head and kissed your forehead. You couldn't see Kol's reaction because your back was facing him but you could tell that only made him even more jealous than he already was.

After thinking about what Klaus had told you, you came to the conclusion that Kol wouldn't hurt Enzo, he knows you care about him too much. So that made you decide to really make Kol jealous.

"Hey Enzo could you come here for a sec?" You asked while standing a few feet away from Kol in the kitchen.

When Enzo stopped in front of you, you grabbed his shirt and kissed him.

As you continued to kiss your best friend, you rubbed your hands down his back and opened your eyes as quickly as possible to make sure Kol could see, and he could.

"I don't appreciate being lied to." Kol interrupted.

Before you could tell him again that you two weren't together, he pushed Enzo very forcefully into the kitchen counter over 10 feet away from him.

"Oh come on. You're just mad because I got the girl and you didn't." Enzo lied


"I don't care if this ruins even the slightest chance of me being with her, I'm going to kill you."

As soon as Kol was about to rip out Enzo's heart, Klaus walked in unamused. "I told you y/n. Im a bit offended that you didn't listen to me to be quite honest." After saying that, he walked passed you and held Kol back away from Enzo.

"I know you're the youngest, Kol, but I really thought you'd understand what's going on."

"What are you talking about now?"

Klaus smiled and sighed, "Enzo knows you like y/n and she really likes you too, so he came up with the not so brilliant plan to make you jealous so that you tell her how you feel but as you can see here, that wasn't the outcome."

Kol pushed Klaus to the side and walked over to you, "Is that true?"

"Yeah.. it is." You replied quietly while looking to the side.

Kol smiled and leaned in to kiss you.

"As much as I want to kiss you right now, you just kissed Enzo for a very long time and I don't really-

"No I totally understand I feel the same way."

"I'm a bloody vampire, I don't have anything. Just kiss her." Enzo blurted out before exiting the room.

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