9. Idiot

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Imagine dating Kol but your older brother Damon doesn't approve and Kol is constantly all over you in front of him

You were right in the middle of having a completely normal conversation with Kol about how your day went, "Other than the fact that some bitch ran into me I've had a pretty go-" but then he stopped you mid conversation.

Kol pushed you down and put his hand behind your head to refrain you from hitting the arm of the couch too hard and began to kiss you, starting from your chest and working his way up to your lips.

Then you realized what was going on.

The door opened but you couldn't look or push Kol off of you because he was holding you down.

Not even a second later, Damon dragged Kol off of you and held him by his throat, "I told you to stay away from her and y/n don't you dare say a damn thing."

Kol pushed the older Salvatore off of him and started laughing, "If she really wanted me away from her she would have left me by now. So don't command me to do anything unless you have the White Oak Stake aimed at my heart."

"Kol don't tell him t-"

Kol looked at you and smiled, "Relax darling, the White Oak Stake is in New Orleans with Klaus and god knows where he has it."

Kol knew that talking about the White Oak Stake would distract Damon so he quickly snapped his neck and sat down next to you on the couch and put his arm around your shoulder.

A few hours later after watching Now You See Me and Now You See Me 2 for the millionth time Damon woke up but didn't roll over to face the both of you.

"Have you ever thought about coming to live with me?" Kol asked you while resting his hand gently on your thigh and facing you so you couldn't see Damon in front of you.

You could hear Damon turning over to face you and you could feel his death glare.

"You have absolutely no idea how breath-takingly beautiful you are."

"Are you trying to make me hate you even more than I already do?" Damon blurted out.

Kol purposely ignored Damon and said "Shall we contine what we were doing before I broke your brother's neck?" While leaning in to kiss you.

"Get out." Damon said sternly while standing up.

"Damon calm down." You said annoyed.

"I will if he leaves."

"Kol maybe you should go... I'll call you before I go to bed."

"Whatever you say darling." He said before kissing your cheek and walking out of the front door.

The next day

You woke up a few minutes ago still on the couch, I must have fell asleep here last night you thought.

You got up and saw Damon pouring a glass of Bourbon in the kitchen. "Good morning." You said softly while smiling, then he walked in front you so you couldn't go in the kitchen. "Stay away from him." He said while glaring at you.

"Stay away from Elena." You said back but all he did was laugh, "That's not how it works y/n. You're my little sister and it's my job to protect you and keep you out of harms way because trust me he will hurt you."

"Come on mate, at least say that to my face." Kol said out of nowhere behind you.

"How long have you been in here?" Damon questioned loudly.

"Long enough." He said while hugging you from behind and kissing down your neck, "Good morning my love."

"I swear to god if you don't get off of her and leave I will kill you."

"Oh will you now? You haven't got a clue where the White Oak Stake is and if Klaus even sees you he'll kill you. So if you want to kill me go right ahead and try."

Little did you know, Damon had a dagger with white oak ash all over it behind his back, but little did Damon know, Kol knew he had it.

Damon knew using it could kill him, which is exactly why he never planned to use it at all. He thought he could scare Kol and make him realize how serious he is.

Kol let go of you and slowly walked towards Damon, "Go right ahead and dagger me, y/n will never forgive you."

"Guys stop this you're being ridiculous." But they didn't stop.

"I don't care if she never talks to me again for the rest of our lives, at least she'll be safe from you." Damon took the opportunity he had and lunged for Kol with the dagger but he grabbed it and pushed him back.

"I wish I could kill you." Kol said while dropping the dagger.

"What's stopping you?" Damon asked confused

"You're the love of my life's brother and she cares about you. And like I've told you before, I care about her more than anyone else you idiot."

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