4. Confronted

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Imagine Kol confessing his feelings for you

Last night you decided to binge watch Bates Motel and you accidentally stayed up until 6 in the morning so you tried to get at least 3 hours of sleep but while you were sleeping you heard a bunch of people talking in the Salvatore's kitchen so you woke up.

"Holy shit!" You said to yourself when you realized it was 1 in the afternoon.

"Someone's finally awake." You heard Damon say downstairs.

You quickly brushed your hair and changed your clothes so you wouldn't look completely terrible and went downstairs only to see pretty much everyone you know: Damon, Stefan, Elena, Enzo, Kai, Bonnie, Caroline, Elijah, Klaus, Rebekah, and Kol.

You couldn't care less about any of them being there except Kol. You liked him a lot, maybe even loved him. You hated yourself for having these feelings for him because you know he's not one to be in a serious relationship. He's probably never even liked anyone.

"Something important must be going  on since we're all in the same room." You blurted out while leaning against a wall.

"Silas is back." Stefan said.

"..Oh." You said quietly.

"Yeah and I just found him. He's in the next town over at the Red Motel. You're welcome." Kai said while smirking.

You must have fell asleep against the wall for a few minutes because you opened your eyes and Kai was in the corner arguing with Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah. That's gonna get ugly. Then you noticed Elena, Enzo, and Damon were gathering up weapons and Caroline, Bonnie, and Stefan were about to leave.
Where's Kol? You thought.

After a few minutes of debating on which one of the groups to follow you decided to just go back to your room. No one cared to make sure you knew what was going on so you thought they wouldn't care if you didn't join them.
As soon as you walked in your room you saw Kol sitting on your bed staring out the window.

"Kol? Why ar-" all of a sudden a hand was around your mouth and the door was shut and locked and you were standing on the other side of the room facing Kol.

"Hello darling." Kol said while smirking and staring you up and down.

"Um.. hi. What are you doing in here? You said confused

"I'm going to get straight to the point so I can get this over with. I'm madly in love with you y/n. Ever since I met you I can't stop thinking about you. You're insanely beautiful and smart as hell and I don't know how or why I'm attracted to you. I'll understand if you want me to go I just needed to get that out before I lost my mind."

You knew you were blushing like crazy but you didn't want to hide it. Kol is in love with me is the only thing you could think about right now. It's the only thing you want to think about right now.

"Kol.. I..." you were literally speechles.

'I'll go I'm so sorry." Kol said with sadness in his eyes.

"No please don't. I'm in love with you too I was just so scared to tell you because I didn't think you felt that way about anyone.. I honestly thought th-"
Suddenly you couldn't speak any more. Kol grabbed your face gently and pressed his soft warm lips against yours.

After what felt like hours you both pulled apart from the kiss and Kol said "I've never had these feelings for anyone. God you have no idea what you're doing to me."

The one and only Kai Parker decided to ruin the moment by bursting through the door and shouting "Looks like we're tracking down Silas together!! This is gonna be fun."

"Kai.. how did you even get in here? The door was locked." You said while death glaring him for ruining the moment.

"Princess do you really think a locked door is going to keep me out?"

The split second Kai called you princess Kol clenched his jaw and his veins under his eyes became very noticeable.

"Ohhh sorry. Didn't realize you two have a thing going on." Kai said while backing out of the room.
"So I'm guessing I'm going to be third wheeling later on right?"

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