The beach

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Hey from now on I am going to be making short stories. 1-3 chapters like the last. So here is a beach story!!! These characters are not mine they are all Cassandra Clare's, lucky duck!!!


"Jace, wake up, NOW! We've decided to go and have a beach day!" I yell to Jaces door as Clary, Alec, and Max follow me. (I know, Max😭! I just had to!!) I slowly creaked the door open to see if he got up but all I saw was a made bed and recently opened Windows.
"Huh, I could of sworn he was here 10 minutes ago, Windows close and bed unmade!" Clary stated, astonished. I looked sideways to catch Alec nodding and grinning ,stupidly, staring into the room.
"What the hells your problem?" I sneer at him. He just kept grinning like a lunatic. I dramatically stepped away from him and into Jaces room.
   "Hello? Jace, are you here?" I ask the air. Finally I just gave up and walked downstairs, Jaces girlfriend and younger brother at my side and the grinning wierdo trailing behind.
  When we finally got into the elevator, all four of us, we planned our day.
  "We definitely have to go to the amusement section." Clary chirped. All three of us Lightwoods looked at her like she was insane. What the hell is an amusement section? I silently ask myself. Clary's eyes widened.
   "You guys have never been on roller coasters, bumper cars or weird tree rides that are at all amusement parks?"(It's so true!) We all shook our heads. Clary scoffed and murmured something that sounded like," These poor kids sad childhoods!" I rolled my eyes remembering our childhood.
  Shadowhunter children's childhood consists of training, trips to Idris, school and some play. I recall playing tag with Alec and Jace.
We all ran as loud footsteps echoed throughout the halls. A muscular golden boy yelled,"You'll never catch me because I'm that awesome!" A thin and tall brunette rounded the corner, yards from the golden boy."Come on Jace, just let me tag you and them we can both find Isabelle!" A small girl, also a brunette, crouched near a surrounding coffee table. The boys didn't think she was still playing since the brunette was chasing golden boy for and hour."What and me giving myself up to you?" The golden boy scoffed and picked up his pace. The girl came out from her hiding spot and tagged the tall and thin boy. He gasped as the girl and golden boy broke into fits of laughter.
   I was pulled out of my daze by Clary, her hand waving in front of my face.
  "Hello, Izzy?" She questioned as I directed my attention to her."As I was saying, we'll go to the amusement section, beach, snack carts and arcade." I nodded as the elevator doors opened letting sunlight shine through.
  Jace sat on a nearby bench, seraph blade in his hand. He was relentlessly scribbling notes on a scrap of paper and rubbing his finger along the blade."Hey, I've been waiting here for hours! Ready to go to the beach?!" He exclaimed.

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