Do you trust me?

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  Clary was flipping and twisting through the training room, throwing knife after knife, and hitting the targets. She had become much better since the first time she met the Shadowhunters at pandemonium, but she still had a lot to learn.

"I thought you'd be here." A smooth voice echoed. Clary froze mid-throw and straightened out. Her heart fluttered and her stomach flipped.

  "You know I've been practicing." She answered coolly, like she didn't just get excited about him. Jace stepped out of the shadows and into the light. His golden hair shinned like a halo and his eyes twinkled. Clary's cheeks warmed up so she looked down. She meant to look at the floor, but her eyes stopped at his muscular chest and arms. He was wearing a thin, white, cotton shirt that you could see his abs through. The dark runes decorated his skin, overlapping his many scars. She finally peeled her eyes from his chest back to his face to find him smirking.

  "Like what you see, Fray?" He mocked. She scoffed and threw the last knife she had in her hand. It hit just left of the bullseye. Jace nodded his head in approval.

  "Good, but is it good enough to beat the master?" He cockily asked. He then swooped past her, grabbed a knife and chucked it at an incredible speed. It shot straight through the bullseye and hit the wall behind the target. He crossed his arms and smirked.

  Clary raised an eyebrow and said," Well, Master, you may of beat me at that but..." She trailed off. His eyes darkened with greed. She slowly walked across the floor and to the desk. She picked up a stele and drew a rune on her arm. He had never seen the rune before. It was completely foreign.

  She smirked and then walked back. He tried to pull her next to him, but his hand went right through her.

  "Clary...." He whispered. She giggled and wrote over the rune. Her body darkened to normal as she finished the new rune.

  "Okay, I can't do that but I can do everything else!" He concluded. She chucked and finally wrapped her arms around his waist. She leaned in and kissed him. He smiled on her lips, but kissed her back. Soon he pulled away and blurted out," Do you trust me?"

Clary was so taken aback by the sudden question, she didn't answer immediately. When she realized what he said, she quickly replied ," of course.". He nodded and ran a hand through his fair hair.

  "Well, if you do, I was wondering if you'd do this training thing with me?" He nervously asked.

  "Sure, what is it?" She asked, relived he didn't say anything crazy based on how nervous he was acting.

  "So I read in this training book that the best way to learn how to throw blades in the dark is with a person you care about." He explained." One person stands in front of the target while the other throws the blades at the target."
Clary's eyes widened.

  "You want me to stand in front of a target that you throw daggers at?" She asked. He shook his head 'no'.

  "I'll stand in front of it while you throw the daggers!" He exclaimed. She already had an argument forming in her mind when he said," You throw them at me because I know you won't hit me. You just care too much!"

  Clary opened her mouth." No, you go first!" He softly chuckled.

  "I'm already a master at dark dagger throwing my love, it's you who has to learn!" She still wasn't fully on bored but when he leaned in, brushed his lips softly against hers, and whispered," I believe in you," she agreed.

  "Okay, but if I hurt you, it's your fault !" She exclaimed and picked up a handful of daggers. Jace walked over to the target across the room and positioned himself. His nose was right at the bullseye.

  "I won't even move if it's coming right at me!" He exclaimed. She sighed and positioned herself.

  "Here goes nothing." She breathed. She snapped her wrist and let the first blade sail through the air. Clary closed her eyes as she released it. When she opened the she saw the dagger stuck into the target, millimeters from Jaces left cheek. Clary let out a breath she didn't know was held in.

  "I told you!" Jace taunted. Clary scoffed and re-positioned. She threw the second dagger, closing her eyes as well. When she heard the familiar sound of the blade striking the cork board, she opened her eyes. This dagger was a millimeter away from Jaces right ear.

"Last one!" Clary proudly cried. Just as she flicked her wrist and sent the blade spiraling through the air, the door opened. She lost concentration and threw it lower than she anticipated. When she look back at the target, that blade was launched at the tip of his golden locks. She looked down at his face and saw his signature smirk plastered, visibly.

"What the frickin hell!" Izzy screamed as she neared the couple. Jace laughed and Clary turned away.

"We were trying something out!" He shouted through his laughs. She scoffed and muttered something within the lines of ," now I know why.." The rest was inaudible.

Jace walked up to Clary and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I told you, you could do it!" She giggled and pulled his head down to meet hers. When their lips met, sparks flew and soon they were no where to be seen. ;)



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