Chap 3- James Or Jace

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I looked myself up and down in the mirror. Eh, not to bad! I dressed up in a white dress shirt, the first two buttons undone, black jeans and some black and white converse. This'll definitely make Clary swoon, and maybe I'll get lucky ;).

I left my dirty blonde hair un-gelled and down. Way different from my usual gelled look.

"Hey, I was on my way over. What's up?" I answered Clary's call, closing my front door. She frantically started asking me where I was and if we should just do this some other time. After all of the trouble I've went through for this date, I at least want to go through half of it. I began talking her into it.

"Oh, okay. See you soon." She said, her breath back to normal. I furrowed my eyebrows and hung up, knowing I've persuaded her. I definitely know she is hiding something about her past, but I don't want to come off pushy. I'll wait until our third or forth date.



This morning I woke up ready to move on with my date, James, but 10 minutes ago my mind wandered off to Jace. What would he think of me if he knew how fast I moved on or that I like someone else. He was mine. We were perfect for each other, but now I was with James, someone I'm not so sure about. I was about to call and cancel our date, but he's already on his way. I mine as well enjoy it, Jace isn't coming back any time soon.

"Izzy. How do I look?" I yelled. I was wearing a dark red sundress, and brown sandals. My red hair was pinned up in a messy bun, not down, like it usually is.

The raven haired girl strutted into my room in her 8 inch platform heels, looking at her wet nails. She shifted her gaze from her nails to me, her eyes widening and her mouth gaping open. It took a couple seconds before she answered," you look like a, girl?" Wasn't expecting that.

I raised one of my eyebrows in return, Isabelle Regaining her composure, turned back to normal.

"The only person you'd dress like that for was, Jace. Do- do you have a date?" She stuttered. I bit my lip, knowing what she thought. I can't believe Clary already moved on, my brother died only two months ago! And, that slut!

That was only kind of true, but I felt horrible about all of this. Minutes of silence made the atmosphere of the room heavy so I showed a weak smile, and turned for the door, not answering her question. The whole way out of the room, my stomach did flips. I've made a mistake with all of this. All I really want is Jace.

"Dinnnnnggggg." The doorbell echoed. I ran down the stairs and quickly towards the large oak doors. Through the stained glass I could see James, looking off in the distance. I blinked and opened the door slowly.

"Hey James." I said, barley managing words. His hair was down, looking too much like Jaces used to. As I stepped towards him, I could only think of my Jace and where he was now.


"So I have the whole night planned. First, Chinese food, then ice cream and then a midnight walk. How does that sound princess?" James asked me. I nodded, still short on my words. He smiled back, a sweet smile. Nothing like anyone I knows smile. It was pleasant.

We reached the restaurant, hand in hand. I don't really know how he took hold of my hand but, it was strangely comforting. He opened the glass door and let me in. Jace slipped from my mind and I just enjoyed the rest of dinner.


"Do you need my coat?" James asked me as we began our walk in the park. I giggled and took it from his hands.

"Thanks." I whispered. He chuckled and put his arm around my shoulders. My whole body stiffened. James must have noticed because he quickly took his arm from around me and placed it at his side. We walked in silence for a couple minutes, until he asked me a question I was dreading answering to anyone, especially him.

"Clary, did something happen before we met?"

I bit my lip. All I could do is shake my head vigorously, hoping he'd drop the topic. It didn't work.

"You can tell me, I won't bite!" James said sarcastically. I finally found my words, ready to fight back.

"James, nothing happened. Can you just drop it." While I was talking, he somehow moved from my side, to in front of me. We were inches away.

"Okay." He said, our breath mixing. His large brown eyes stared into my green ones, making my stomach turn again. I was about to step around him, when he closed his eyes and leaned towards me. His plump lips met mine with such force I would of fallen if I wasn't so used to it from Jace. I hesitantly leaned closer. His warm lips enclosed mine even more, so much that I would of melted into them, if A familiar face hadn't popped into my head. His luminous gold eyes showed pain, his silky hair was tousled everywhere and his normally pink and full lips were cracked. He looked tortured.

I pushed James off of me, hard enough so he stepped back.

"Are you okay. Was that not good?" He asked in worry.

The problem wasn't how good the kiss was, the problem was I enjoyed it.

It enjoyed that more than any other kiss.

"I-I have to go. Uh, bye Jace- I mean James." I stuttered, running towards the institute. What the hell have I done.

I am falling for James, and I am falling hard.


Oh poor clary. She's too blind by love to even notice anything odd. She won't see it coming when I take her to Sebastian, and finish her off.

Oh and this time, her guardian angel is six feet under.



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