The Beach pt 2

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In the summer I am going to be starting a new book ( I have all ready started writing ) but don't worry, I WILL CONTINUE WRITING THIS ONE TOO!!!!! Thanks....... Enjoy pt2!!!!! And YAY FOR LONG CHAPTERS!!

   "Jace!! Your elbow is digging into my side!" I yell through the overpacked car Magnus rented.
"Umm, I kinda can't help it Iz!" He shot back, glaring to this other side.
We packed into this Ford Explorer, all 7 of us, with all of the beach supplies. Magnus was driving with Alec on his right. Clary was on the right side in the second row, Jace smushed in the middle. Which makes no sense to me because he is the tallest and more built than us girls, Max and Simon. With me on the left side, Jaces stupid elbow digging into my side because he didn't want it to dig into his girlfriends side. Simon and Max were cramped in the back with all of the beach stuff. Poor Simon looked as miserable  as Clary had when I took her shopping for a new bathing suit. Max looked pretty normal, well compared to the rest of us.

  "JACE, GET OFF OF ME!" I yell again this time serious. He shifted his weight so he was crunched against Clary's shoulder and mine. "How is that, Princess?" He muttered as Clary rested her head on his shoulder. He placed his arm around her, smiling.

  Aww what a cute Clace moment! I squeal in my head starring at them. Clary started to close her eyes ,slipping to sleep, when Magnus kicked the breaks, jolting everyone forward. Clary snapped her eyes open and put her hand in front of her like everyone else, except Jace, who leaned over to grab Clary's arm with one hand and grip the seat with the other.

  The car stopped in traffic as everyone resumed their regular positions. Clary was wide awake starting out the window and Jace was checking a dagger that rolled from his pocket when the car halted.

"DAMN YOU MAGNUS BANE, YOU RUINED THE MOMENT!!" I shouted not feeling relaxed at all! Everyone stared at me with puzzled looks including Clary and Jace. I huffed an angry breath and crossed my arms over my chest.

( At the beach )


"WE ARE FINALLY HERE PEOPLE!" I shouted as we pulled up to a sandy lot.

   "Shut up, Magnus! Clary is asleep!" Jace whisper-yelled at me. I piped down, narrowing my eyes back as I did.

  "Come on sleepyhead! We are here, time to get up." Jace nudged Clary, whispering into her ear. Clary groaned and turned around so she couldn't hear. Jace just scooped her up into his arms, setting her into a right sitting position. Her eyes flickered open, revealing green orbs of light. She buried her head into his shoulder, her red hair going in every direction.

Once Magnus stopped the car in a white lined parking spot and everyone opened their doors, Clary picked up her head and slid out of the medium sized SUV. Once Jace and Izzy slid out of the car, the back seats were pushed down, letting the other boys out. As soon as everyone was out of the car and they started walking, Clary's knees started shaking, then eventually giving in letting her body fall. Jace cursed silently and ran to catch her. He scooped her up into his arms, bridal style, and carried her the rest of the way. Apparently she had pins and needles in her legs from the long ride. ( Or she just wanted Jace to carry her 👌🏼.)  

"LETS GOOO PEOPLE!" I shouted again leading the way to the sandy shores. Sheila had his arm around Isabelle and Jace was still carrying Clary. Alexander was in a heated conversation with Max and I was handing the patrol guy our daily passes. Soon he lifted the rope and we were in.

  "Shelly, go grab a spot!" I yelled as he rolled his eyes. "My name is SIMON!" Jace laughed as Clary smiled. Izzy seemed too lost in the view to hear.

CLACE❤️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora