Fangs pt 1

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  I woke up and stumbled into the kitchen, barley awake. "Coffee!" I mumbled as I saw a flash of gold. Jace smiled down at me."Black?" He asked, but already knew the answer. I smiled and replied,"Like always!" He chucked started the water.

  Something in the way he moved around the kitchen like he was concentrating. Almost like when he kills demons, except, he doesn't taunt the kitchen utensils like he would a demon.

  Jace blew a stray lock of hair from his eyes as a demon three times his size rose from the rubble. "Damn you stupid Edom!" He breathed to himself. Just as the demon lunged from its place, Jace drew a seraph blade from his belt. "This'll be fun." He smirked a signature Herondale smirk.

  The demon leaped up to Jace's face and breathed a hot, musty, message. "Oh, I see another Herondale boy on the job!" He laughed, or what Jace thought was supposed to be a laugh."I'll just have to kill you to!" It whispered. Jace got even closer to the disgusting creatures face and whispered."How can you kill me if you're already dead?" He smiled and laughed a shallow laugh. The creature growled, but after Jace was on top of it pointing his blade to its heart." Also, get a mint, will ya!" And he sunk the blade the ought it's heart with an ear splitting cry of pain.

I sat there, remembering all of the times Jace had moved swiftly through rows of demons, killing anything in his path. A small smile crept it's way onto my lips.


I was swiftly sliding threw the kitchen, fixing my angel some breakfast. I turned to Clary, to ask her what kind of eggs she wanted, but she didn't hear me. She was in her own little world.

He cheeks were a light pink, her green eyes vibrant with thought. Her fiery hair tucked neatly into a loose bun. She wore a small smile, looking out the window. "Clary?" I called to her. She didn't answer. "CLARY?" I laughed. She shook her head and turned to face me. "Sorry." She blushed. I smiled and took her hand. "I love it when you do that!" Her cheeks went even brighter. "Do what?" She looked up. "The way you get lost in your own head, and smile at your thoughts!" I sighed. She buried her face in my arm. "And the way that you hide your face when you blush."she lifted her head, cheeks glowing and shook her head. I pulled her up into my arms and kissed her forehead. "I love you." I mumbled. Clary's eyes met mine. "I love you to." She barley chocked out as I dipped my head to meet hers. My lips brushed hers, lightly, but enough.


On my lovely Sunday morning, I want coffee. So I do what any normal warlock would do, go to the kitchen. I walked in, not expecting anyone to be up so early because I had a client.

"STOP CANOODLING!!! JESUS YOU DON'T STOP!!" I screamed as Clary and Jace broke apart. "What the hell is canoodling, Magnus?" Jace asked and Clary blushed, her cheeks turning madly red. Just then Alec walked in. "It's kissing, kissing right Magnus." He asked, getting a mug. I nodded and shielded my eyes. "Well, you could have knocked!" Clary spoke, nuzzled into Jace's side. "To get into the kitchen!" I fake-screamed. Jace laughed as I rolled my eyes in mock frustration.


I am currently walking with rat-face around New York to help look for his stupid cat. I could be with Clary, my angel, at home, but noooo! I need to help this dumb vampire. "Let me ask again, how in the hell do you loose a cat on the streets of New York!" He tries to intimidate me by taking his fangs out and hiss but to be honest he looks like an angry bat.

"Ohh, you scare me so much Bloodsucker!" I mock as he puts his fangs away and wipes his face.
"At least I could kill something if I wanted to! You'd have to wait for permission from the damn Clave or your lame Paribati!" He yelled and huffed forwards. I felt my face heat up.

"Listen up Bloodsucker!"I shouted, grabbing his collar and pushing him into the wall of a building,"You don't get to talk about ANY shadowhunter business or MY Paribati! You wouldn't know the first thing about our world or a Paribati if it came up to you and slapped you in the face. Well at least it would be doing something, setting your ugly face straight!" I finished ,leaping from on him, back to walking. I heard him coughing from me leaning on his neck. Wimp.

"I wonder what Clary sees in you, Jace. Because all that I see is an angry coward." Rat-face shouted. I spun around and punched him square in the jaw, a sickening crack echoing the alley. He fell to the ground and grabbed his jaw. Whoops, sorry Izzy!

He was about to try and come up with a remark but I beat him to it. "I know what Clary sees in me. Everything that you're not! A fearless fighter, extremely handsome, dreamy, tall, golden, an angel and funny. I could go on and on but then I'd be wasting my breath on you so!" I spat and turned away.


Jace just frickin beat the crap out of me and I did even try and stop him. Some vampire! I'll show him a fight so I wait until he isn't looking and I sneak behind him. I was about to grab him when he spoke up. "How stupid do you think I am, rat-face? I can hear you!" He didn't even turn around, just kept walking. New plan.

I ran as fast as I could with my vampire speed behind him and grabbed his seraph blade. I sizzled my skin, but I held on. He still didn't turn around, just talk again. "Wow you ARE stupider than I thought one could be !" Puzzled, I still held the blade. "Do you, a vampire, really think you could kill me with my own blade. You'd break the accords and possibly yourself!" I smiled and replied,"yes!" He laughed shallowly and finally spun around.

"Shut up Vamp!" He yelled and before I could move he had the blade that I was holding in his hands and an arm around my neck. The glow of the blade that was inched from my neck, luminaries my white skin. "That was sad, I don't know what Izzy sees in you!" With that he dropped me to the ground, half choked, and disappeared into the shadows. "Damnit!" I cursed and coughed, still short on breath and a broken jaw. Great!

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