Chap 2- Meeting him

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CLARY POV---2 months later

"Clary," Isabelle called my name from across the room. I blinked and focused my gaze on her.

"Yeah." I stated in a monotone voice. Today was the day I dreaded the most.

  "Okay, today we need to return your dress, Jaces tux and the bridesmaids dresses. Since today was supposed to be your wedding, we can have a little fun in between." The raven haired girl ordered. I sighed.

  My mind slipped off wondering what today would be like if he hadn't died and if I still spoke with my mother.

His golden hair was brushed through gently, making it look like silk. His blazing eyes rushed around the room looking for his bride. The wedding bells echoed through the building, everyone falling silen-

  "C'mon Clary! We are on a damn schedule!" Someone shouted shaking me from my thoughts. Isabelle stood feet away, looking quite annoyed.



Darkness. All I could see for months. Black endless spaces, voices echoing through tunnels in my mind. The voices were familiar but there was one every now and then that I could never forget.

  "Jacey, I would do anything to have you back. Please it's supposed to be our wedding day today. I can't do this without you. I miss your laugh, it would only make me smile and your smile, brightened up any room. Please come back to me." A fragile voice pleaded. My heart ached every time she talked to me. I also got parabatai messages and a few from Izzy and Maryse; but Clary's were the ones I listened for.

  I need to find light. I need to go and help out my angel. I can't just leave her to the cold world. It's a dark place; well I should know because I was so suddenly taken from it.



We arrived at the mall within 20 minutes. The car ride here was silent, both of us consumed in our thoughts.

"We'll hit the bridal shop first." Isabelle said, turning into a small shop on the corner. I followed into the shop.

"Hello. What can we do for you lovely ladies today?" A short brunette asked, right as we walked into the store. Isabelle began talking to her, as I just stared into open space.

Well, an open space filled with a curious boy. He was about 5,7, had dirty blonde hair and was fairly muscular. He was nothing like my Jace, but he was...okay.



I was stuck in this crappy bridal shop for my sister Lindsay, which was absolute hell. Well that is until I spotted the most adorable redhead. She was short, about 5,2, had huge green eyes and freckles. I decided to make my move.

"Hey." I said as I approached her. She was even prettier up close.

"Hi." She said, shyly. She nervously played with a ring on her necklace. It was kinda cute.

"I'm James, and you are.." I trailed off, creating that effect.

"Oh, Clarissa but you can call me Clary." She said in an angelic voice. I think I'm falling for her.

"Well, I'd love to hang out. Uh, my number is 201-478-9949. Bye cutie." I finished in the sexiest voice I could do. She blushed and turned away. I smirked and turned back to my sister and her stupid dresses. This day isn't as bad as I thought I'd be.



It's been a while since anyone talked to me. Death is kind of lonely. Dark spaces, weird whispers and no sick weapons. Why can't there be cool leather jackets, people and board games? Well why can't there be my angel.

I was dozing off, thinking of what life would be like now if Jocelyn hadn't killed me and if Clary and I had our wedding, honeymoon and life after, when a voice pulled me away.

"Jace, I think life will be okay." Her angelic voice said. Her words echoed through the darkness and then back to me. Life will be okay?



Clary and Isabelle went home after hours at the mall, James' number stuck in Clary's mind. She decided to call him that night.

Jace sat alone in the dark, thinking of what Clary told him. Life would be okay. He argued with his mind getting more and more frustrated. How would life be okay? Did she move on. He finally couldn't take it anymore and screamed out.

James bolted home right as
His sister picked her dress; waiting for a phone call from the cute redhead. James decided he like her.

Later that night

"Hello?" Clary said into her phone. She dialed James' number and someone picked up.

"Hi, Clary?" James answered In a deep voice. Clary smiled into the phone but began the conversation. Hours and hours went by, the two just talking about life and what was going on but Clary decided to keep Jace a secret. James didn't need to know about him.

When they finally hung up, it was 12:47 am, the title of longest Clary had ever talked on the phone now went to James, taking that crown from Jace. The two of them were going to meet for lunch the next day.

"Jace." Clary said. She knew he couldn't answer, but she talked anyway. " You don't need to worry, I'm going to be okay. Life will be okay, now." She said. Clary than laid down and closed her eyes.


Life will be okay now that she has someone else. I guess our love wasn't strong enough to last through death. Well, at least that's what she thinks. But that's not what my heart is telling me.

CLACE❤️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora